Huge Neglect Case

That's positively shocking. How on earth did no one notice with 30 dead horses on site. I wonder f it is a farm or just a house/mobile home with stables?

I am sure there will be more to come out about this story. I always thought Amersham was always such a nice place. :what:

Well done to Redwings for stepping in assist with the rescue. :clap:
Thats terrible, yet another disgraceful case of neglect unfolding, I dearly hope that whoever is responsible gets punished un mercifully.... :angy:

As Kathy said a big pat on the back for all the rescue societies that came to the rescue :)
BBC news just said that the guy was known to the RSPCA and that local residents had been complaining for ages????
They were being bred for the meat market evidently? :what:

What a miserable existance and what an horrifying end for these poor horses and donkeys that died. Evidently, it was a member of the public reported seeing what they thought was a dead horse in a field which led to all the other animals being discovered in a barn.

A man has been taken in for questioning. :angy:
He should get the top punishment for this.. I would jail him for life.....but no doubt he will get a couple mths jail , a fine , and banned from keeping animals .... I dispair when cases like this come to court and they basically get away with it.. :angy:
And if the RSPCA did know of this place , conditions etc well they shouldnt get away without some sort of punishment either.....
Fingers crossed all of those horses, ponies and donkeys that can be saved eventually find good homes.

I just can only imagine the conditions these poor animals were living in. IF they were being bred for their meat - why were their dead carcasses just left lying around? shrug::

Let's hope the person (people) responsible plead total insanity as can there be any other answer? They may well have fallen on hard times perhaps but NOTHING excuses leaving defenceless animals to die surrounded by other animals that were also going to die in a matter of time in (apparently) the most appalling conditions and manner.

This is animal cruelty at it's worst and yet again highlights the fact that some humans are clearly not fit to look after animals.
Agree totally Kathy , problem is how many more places like that are yet to be found and investigated, its really sickening to think just what those poor animals went through, surely he didnt run the place on his own ,
They will be like rats from a sinking ship no doubt, Zebs.

Looking at the aerial photo pictures on the TV this evening - it does look like a farm.

I know Amersham quite well (I have been to the crematorium there far too many times :( ) as I lived in High Wycombe for many years so I am interested to know where this place is.
Apparentley this is what he will face....

If charged and found guilty Gray could face a six month prison sentence or a £20,000 fine

Disgraceful :angy:
Spoke to my Dad and he evidently knows the father. They live in a place called Hyde Heath (nr. Amersham) and evidently the father and son were very often seen at Southall market.

The son is about 44 years old and evidently he assaulted a policeman, so let's hope the prosecution for that carries a heavier sentence than the one he is probably going to get for his cruetly against animals that may have been going on for years. Evidently, they have been reported to the RSPCA before who have, up until now have done nothing. No doubt more of the story still to come out.
It's about time an independent enquiry was held into just how the RSPCA is run and what it exactly spends the monies it receives on.

Too many jobsworths and bureaucrats and not enough hands on. I bet the local inspectors were champing at the bit to nail this guy but were probably prevented by the higher eschelons but guess who will carry the can....
"RSPCA superintendent Tim Wass said: "The owner was known to the RSPCA, and while we had concerns about his horses, conditions had been at a legally acceptable level during our last visits"

What is this legally acceptable level and who decides it? I assume that they go by scientific measures of what is deemed adequate enough for basic horse survival rather than what the average knowledgable horse person would consider as decent enough conditions??
Thing is WHEN was their last visit? 32 horses are dead and 4 were dying , they obviously DIDNT visit enough ...!!!!...

The experience we have on the Wirral ( which is the most populated place for horses in GB ) is that What the Rspca Inspectors , Field Officers etc know about anything Equine you can write on an ants ar#e....

RSPCA as Songsheet said should now be investigated on how and who runs it.....
It's clear the RSPCA have questions to answer about this.

Anything bigger than a dog and they don't know what to do.

Some years ago a friend of one of my daughters was around when a pony got out of a field and fell into a ditch and couldn't get out. The RSPCA were called but the people who turned up just stood about flapping.

Eventually, someone rang the local hunt who got somebody to come along who managed to get the poor animal out.
The RSPCA are next to useless, the stories I could tell you about them, yet someone clearly looking after their ponies is investigated straight away after someone reported them to get revenge!

I've spent about 2 hours tonight chasing 5 loose ponies round the village, all colts, from the look of them 2 were youngsters, the others any age. Apparently they've been escaping from their field all week, yet the guy who they belong to is in the pub, he said he'll see to them in the morning!!!!

In the meantime theres gritters, cars flying down the road they were lucky on more than one occaision when i'v been flagging people to slow down. So i have a feeling in the morning that there might be a dead pony on the road. I can't ring the RSPCA as the owner knows who I am, so i'l probably have no windows in the morning, what do you do?

Some people just dont deserve to own ponies, they can't look after themselves!!
I've reported both a local sheep farmer burying animals that died of neglect in a shallow pit (human heath risk also) and a horse abattoir (with knowledge that both, abattoir especially were complained about before) the only response to be either a brief look/nothing done or no response at all from the I.S.P.C.A. I wonder why people choose that vocation at all if they just couldn’t be arsed or indeed let themselves be exploited by those calling the shots. Whoever they may be!
A few of the older members on here, may remember my dealings with an injured muntjac and the RSPCA a couple of years back. :angy:

If it's still in the TH archives I will see if I can retrieve it. Suffice to say, after my dealings with them I am amazed they ever prosecute anyone ever. I was shocked at how totally inept they were as an organisation and if what is reported to be true about the RSPCA in this latest neglect case, I feel they have some blood on their hands over this too as surely if they had had the balls to visit earlier some of these poor animals could have been saved.

Let's hope they do a full investigation including the RSPCA's handling of this case (or total lack of handling) too.
All the liveries were i keep murphy (when hes home) are donating either a week or monthly total cost of their horses/ponies keep to the charities that are doing their best to save the survivors of this horror .....(EXCEPT RSPCA :angy: )
Also sending ...rugs , headcollars etc , the feed-back ive been getting from horsey people here on the Wirral is that numerous livery yards etc are doing the same....

No doubt this will be happening all over the UK..... :)