Huntingdon Weds


At the Start
Jul 25, 2006
Haven't had a really good look at the card - but have decided to go tomorrow provided the hangover is not too appalling... Anyone else going?

A couple of chums have a runner in the 4.10 but I'll be watching SCOTS DRAGON, a grey half brother to Scots Grey and also owned by Henry Ponsonby - likely to start at short odds tho

Any tips from the early risers?
Just had a quick look, Heads, and how about one of your famous reverse forecasts in the 3.10.

Saw Otantique and Professor Hegarty run when I was at Exeter earlier in the month.

Otantique ran out an easy winner that day, and in a different race Professor Hegarty looked the part but didn't deliver, but has won since.
Apparently the Spital roundabout is a bit iffy on the way in to Huntingdon HS (according to the radio there's traffic jams or roadworks there). No idea on other tips but avoid that would be one :)
Thanks chaps. Setting off now.
One of the locals is going in his Bentley but wouldn't give me a lift - the scrub :(
There was a slim possibility that the reverse forecast might have been successful if the slippery bend hadn't claimed Professor Hegarty. cry

Did you have a successful day, Heads?

With Kingy having two winners and NH landing the last, I would be surprised if you didn't.
Didn't have a lot of bets - 3 forecasts, all of which came in 1st & 3rd :what:
And a win bet on Otantique - hurrah!! Came out about evens on the day, but was too busy being social to study the form all that much, so kept stakes small, and few!

Missed the first race anyway as I missed my turning off the A14 and had to take a detour via Papworth and Godmanchester... Very pretty town in fact! Always gives me goosebumps driving through that bit nr Papworth, which used to belong to my family, in facft my Gt Grandfather built most of Papworth Everard.

In fact I tipped up a few winners on FF for someone going to Nottingham - then omitted to back them :rolleyes: The last being a 16/1 shot, and a couple of others in double figs too... Ah well, I had a good day out!

My chums Col and Sue Keeble own Meadow Hawk, who slipped up on the bend going into the back straight in the finale, Wayne H said he just spat out the dummy at that point and refused to race. Frustrating, as he was going bonkers throwing his head about, jiggling his chin chain, trying to bite his new lass, and generally playing up, in the saddling box - which usually means he's going to run a blinder!

Quite a few trainers took their horses out because of the slippery ground on the bends, even tho it was sanded before the 5th.

Had a hilarious chat with Carl L about how much of Swindon he owns - "Not me, it all belongs to the Royal Bank of Scotland" !! Won't repeat his hilarious but somewhat politically incorrect remarks about his tenants :laughing: Col and Sue are very fond of Carl as he was the first ever jock to ride for them, a few horses back