I need a new phone...


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
... the BT cordless lasted 4 years to the month, and now cannot be corrected from defaulting immediately to answer, instead of letting me speak to callers. So I have to buy another phone. I've been thinking of getting something a bit smarter than the one I've got, and one for the bedroom, too, to overcome the hurdles race needed to get to the one in the sitting-room when I'm at the computer.

Has anyone got any suggestions? Virgin don't sell phones - my whole system at home is Virgin - so I couldn't buy from them. Anyone got any thoughts about best deals, best places to buy from, please? I got the BT one from Comet, I think, but there could be other places which are as good or better.

Any help appreciated - I've no idea what's currently a good bargain or not!
I got a new one last year, a cordless Panasonic. You can buy them with one or two units so then you can pop an extra one somewhere if you've got another socket. I found Argos the cheapest at the time and with the best selection too.
BT Graphite cordless is fine and I like the fact now you only have to plug the extensions into a plug socket rather than having to have another telephone socket in the bedroom.
Oh, great, thanks - I have to go into town just now anyway, so will look in our Argos store. I do want a second one for the bedroom, as I can't negotiate the chicane round the bed and into the sitting-room fast enough to get to the one in there. Cheers, folks. Hopefully normal transmission will be resumed in a few hours' time. I've been using the mobi but it seems to need charging after a day's use - I don't know if that's normal, but it likes electricity, it seems!
Went to Argos and got the twin deal on the Panasonics, Songy, within a few minutes. It's not an elegant shopping experience but, by heck, it's fast and accurate! Will have them on in a bit - thanks for the recommendation. Ardross, I looked at the BT one, but they don't do a deal for a twin-pack (you can get triples and quadruples - amazing!), so it was cheaper to go for Songsheet's suggestion. There are so many types of phone available now, it's fair mind-boggling!

Handsets are now charging - the Panasonic second handset also - like the BT one, Ards - doesn't need a phoneline, just a normal power point. The instructions booklet looks as if it's written in Alpha Centaurian code, so I'm hoping I don't need a week-long course in learning how to use the darn thing. One nice thing is that it says that to make a call, just raise the handset and dial the number. On the BT one which died, I had to press a little phone logo first. Seven hours to charge up the batteries, though - gone are the days of just plug in and go!
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I would wait till the iPhone5 comes out in a few months and then pay E300!!!

Happy as larry with my iPhone3 - son just got a 4 but theres precious little difference.
... the BT cordless lasted 4 years to the month, and now cannot be corrected from defaulting immediately to answer, instead of letting me speak to callers. So I have to buy another phone. I've been thinking of getting something a bit smarter than the one I've got, and one for the bedroom, too, to overcome the hurdles race needed to get to the one in the sitting-room when I'm at the computer.

Has anyone got any suggestions? Virgin don't sell phones - my whole system at home is Virgin - so I couldn't buy from them. Anyone got any thoughts about best deals, best places to buy from, please? I got the BT one from Comet, I think, but there could be other places which are as good or better.

Any help appreciated - I've no idea what's currently a good bargain or not!

Krizon, I've found a reasonably priced one. Well, it's really no money at all, just a bit of parts sourcing and a screwdriver ....

But that is my new phone, Soary! Got it dead cheap off someone whose face I couldn't quite see, lugging a bunch of them round the Mile End Road...

I did eventually get a pair of Panasonics for under £30. Before my brief and abortive move to the rented flat and back home again prontissimo, I'd overridden the simpering, infantile voice provided by the maker (which made not being able to take a call sound like you were apologising for battering your mother) and provided my own slightly more robust message. During the move back to the old adobe, though, it seems it defaulted to Miss Twitty, showed '2 Messages' but whenever I tried 1571 I got the robovoice announcing "You have no messages". Is it just me, or really, is technology today simply bewildering at every level?

Finally, hauled out the book of instructions and, after a week's intensive course, found out how to undo the ickle-girly voice AND access the now six-week old messages, delete them, and reinistate my own greeting. And now, instead of 1571, to access my messages, all I have to do is hit the OK button, scroll down several options to Messages, then Play Messages, go < or > to get Yes or No, and finally hear whatever's been left.

I'm seriously thinking that phones have become like high-class cars now - you have dials to tell you the inside and outside temperatures, what your tyres' inflation levels are, keyless ignitions, suspension graphs and God knows what else, but it doesn't actually make the car any better to just get from A to Z. (Or in the case of my navi skills, A to C to A again, then B, W, and Z two hours later than expected.)

Why can't we just have a bleedin' phone that all you have to do is press 1 to hear any messages, and press 11 to delete them? Is that too simple to ask? Apparently, I can do all sorts of cutesy tricks, too, like remote accessing. Yeah, as if!
I want a new phone
One that won't make me sick
One that won't make me crash my car
Or make me feel three feet thick

I want a new phone
One that won't hurt my head
One that won't make my mouth too dry
Or make my eyes too red

One that won't make me nervous
Wonderin' what to do
.... yadda yadda yadda.