I Used To Live With A Ghost


At the Start
Jun 6, 2005
I learned today that whilst living in Wiltshire, I was visited by my mother (well I knew that really) but for some reason she insisted on taking an external photograph of my rented flat (don't ask why I do not know). Any way it was a converted old parsonage of some description and clearly had a history. Suffice to say, and despite no one being in when this photo was taken, it transpires that upon development a man can clearly be seen standing at the window.. Now perhaps erring on the side of common sense she decided not to inform me, hence she only telling me now. Having said that, you'd have thought wouldn't you, that having taken the most significant photo she's ever likely to, she'd have kept it? Alas, she thinks she's lost it :angy:
Well I'm very curious to see it Merlin, and considering the number of banal family photos she hoardes I'm shocked she can't find it. I understand that she didn't want to say anything for such time as I lived there as I can be a bit jumpy on such issues, though to the best of my recollection I never saw/ felt anything unusual about the place, and can't recall any pecuiliar goings on.

If I can retrieve the exhibit I'll undertake to post it, but I'm not optimistic
Reminded me of something a friend told me about last year.Apparently the owners of this house had been seeing images and hearing voices for quite a while. They did some research and found that a lady once lived in the house who lost her husband during the civil war. Legend says that she used to sit at the table and look across the fields in anticipation of her loved one returning home. He never came. So, they say she still waits. They caught this photo of what they claim to be her and what is possibly her voice so your speakers needs to be on. You have to wait thirty seconds or so for the full picture to load mind.

DG that was really cruel! Not only did I shriek and jump out of my skin but my laptop very nearly slid off it's cushion onto the floor, and as I'd just spent half an hour retrieving it from a frozen screen, [caused no doubt by the NR banking crisis LOL] I would not have been happy faced wit another blackout :suspect: