Shadow Leader

At the Start
Nov 9, 2003
A mate of mine invited me to join one of these sometimes interminable groups on Facebook - however this one made sense. As someone who rides racehorses out on a daily basis and as such suffers the odd fall, I have worried in the past about what would happen were I to be knocked out and have already instructed the boyfriend to ring my mother [number in phone] who will let anyone else know who needs to - namely my father, pretty much.

The proposal within this 'group' is a proposal from the ambulance service that people programme into their phones telephone numbers labelled "ICE" [in case of emergency] and with suffixed numbers if need be, ie ICE1, ICE2, etc.

This seems a great idea to me and I have programmed in ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 since I do often worry about getting injured and no-one in my family knowing. I was knocked out many years ago after a fall and came around in the John Radcliffe several hours later with my mother at my bedside; to this day I have no idea how they found her, they must dug through my phone until they found "Mum" since no-one accompanied me in the ambulance and I was unconscious. Since then I have often worried that I could be very badly injured and Mum not even know. This idea seems a great way around it, if everyone could be persuaded to programme in numbers under the acronym ICE.
You're not wrong there!

In all seriousness, for those of us that take part in hazardous sports on a regular basis (like riding, driving on the UK roads, trying to secure a bargain in the DFS sale) it's probably worth considering.
Or simply wear an international SOS medallion (or both?). The big advantage with one of these is the amount of information you can supply the person who finds you, or first person on the scene in a positon to do something other than ring for help. You can easily supply such things as medical conditions, blood group, doctors contact details, allergies etc it's produced in about 5 different languages too, and can also be worn as a bracelet. The letters SOS are emblazoned on it and it isn't a perfect fashion item, but it's not that bad either, they're are worn for practical reasons ultimately though, and I'm sure I'd prefer someone to spot it than mistake it for jewellery. To be honest, if I were bleeding to death unconscious, I'd rather the paramedic know I was A+ than know how to panic my parents, (who wouldn't know my blood group beyond 'red') well as matching! How embarassing would it be to be knocked out and have the paramedics discover you're wearing black knickers and a white bra??!
In my case?................. very. But then I normally do the combination the other way round
I used to have my mum as my ICE, but then I kept getting calls and texts from an "ICE" and kept thinking who it was!!!! so I changed it back and its now "mum ICE" lol
In my case?................. very. But then I normally do the combination the other way round
Nothing wrong with that Warbler providing you aren't wearing a white top (black under white a big NO NO).

Great idea though (the ICE not the black and white knickers).
One of the things they have have on a Jet ski would be good if you fell and it called 911 you would not be left KO'ed for long. the horse may also have bolted onto a road so the faster the better.
That would be the ICE idea, rather than any recommendation on bra and pantie combos I take it?

In trudi's case it sounds as if it should read "In Case of Emergency, please ring Ann Summers"
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