I can't believe no one on a horse racing site has mentioned the government obsession with ID and collecting your personal data. We will be effectively tagged like cattle, and if we lose our plastic id, or it gets corrupted, we become non-people. The politicians are elected to serve us, not control us. Fines for non compliance are followed by jail. When in place you will need an id to bet with the tote, to prove you are over 18. When the tote is privatised, this info will be shared with the banks. Try getting a loan when they know you are a gambler. I asked for a business loan 20 years ago, the bank manager dug out a cheque I had cashed in a casino and said no. Join the NO2ID campaign now, and tell your friends. Also write to the House of lords to any peers, and explain why the ID database is a bad idea. If you have a labour mp, ask them to abstain at the next vote. This measure will define blair's government in history as the worst ever, lets stop it before our money is wasted.