Im Not Normal !


Senior Jockey
Sep 15, 2003
Hurry up and move!!
:( I know we dont usually do things like good vibes and good lucks on here, but can I have some please??
I had a really nasty fall last Thursday when one of my irons broke adn I had to bail off a bolting horse - it hurt like hell ( as I knew it would the mement I realised I was goign to have to jump) and my friend who is a physio was goign to do some manipulation and bending of me tomorrow. She rang me up last night to find out where I still hurt, and spoke to her boss this morning about what kind of manipulaton to do on me(shes only been qualified 6 months, so is a little nervous of doing a friend)

at teh first mention of the fact that I cant bend down or lean over ( even just to get off the horses) without immediately getting pounding headaches, she got told NOT to touch me until Id been for x-rays on my neck - "thats not normal....." :eek:

So instead of my afternoon off being spent having a bit of physio and the rest of the time on the pub - Im now spending it in Gloucester Royal Infirmary getting x-rayed (hopefully to find out that ive just trapped something and Im bneing a wimp)

:( wish me luck????!!!!! Ive been pretty blase about it up till now - but she started my phone message off with "I dont want to frightne you but...." and thats making me nervous now!!! :laughing:
Good Luck at the hospital Trudi - when the message starts "I don't want to frighten you" you know it's going to frighten you.

Just think of all the HOT doctors :)
Remain blasé about it, trudij.

About 10 years ago I went in to get my tonsils out. When I checked in they gave me a brief examination, taking pulse and blood pressure etc.

The nurse said, "Are you OK? Your pulse is only 60 and your BP is entirely normal. Most people's shoot up at this stage."

I replied, "I'm in good hands, aren't I? What do I have to worry about?"

Don't worry. You're in great hands and you'll be absolutely fine.
You're doing the sensible thing and getting checked out, Troods - everything else will follow in proper order!

Never mess about with back or neck injuries - give them the respect they deserve and do what your medics tell you to - and that may include staying off the nags/fags/booze until your body recovers! I am sure Isinglass will have far more to say on this than me!

Hope the news is good and make certain you get some proper looking after organised!
Good luck trudi, I'm sure you'll be ok and Dessies got some sound advice there in terms of not panicking yourself. Julie's absolutely right though, you really should have had it checked out much sooner, as neck injuries can't be risked. The work done on a back injury now is critical as to how it mends and effects you in later life, so do whatever you're told to. I used to have a programme after my particular piece of 'ropeless abseiling' I didn't follow it religously, the result is that I'm popping more co-codomal then can be healthy now, and at this rate I'll have spent my compensation on bloody pain killers
Okay, first, here's a verrrry careful little hug, a big box o'chocs, and a load of pointless, trashy magazines to take your mind off the green screens!

Can't add to the excellent advice, Troodles, but I do send you my very best wishes, and hope it's no more than a deadened nerve which will pull itself together fairly soon. That was a horrid, frightening experience, and one's never in a pozzie to pick a soft landing spot - unlike in the movies, where everyone always falls into a pile of hay! Best of luck, sweetheart, and let us know how you are when you can.
thankyou everyone - Im sure I'll be fine - TBH Im relieved that Im still like it today - half the time I get to the point of deciding to go and see someone I end up feeling better - then I feel like a fraud!!!!!

will be back later.......
Good luck - but do take care and DO AS YOU ARE TOLD by the medics...

Remember Mick Fitz was walking around for a while with his neck broken in two places before they found it - he was lucky they did as his next fall would have had serious consequences! He's right as rain now. Al Lidd broke his back in a fall out hunting a few years ago, and then had a fall just just like yours 2 yrs ago when he had to bail off a bolting horse into a large hedge at speed... He's right as rain now as well, rides out several every day.
Good luck Trudie hope your o-k after having your picture taken? seems rest is a paramount thing to have for a few weeks I would imagine? and plenty of hot baths..............
I'm sure Trudi won't mind me reporting that she doesn't appear to have broken anything but she's done enough damage by the sounds of it! A text earlier told me she's got a concussion, locked up a part of the cervical region of her spine [neck] and damaged a load of ligaments in her neck and shoulders - sounds painful!
Bloody painful, I should think - presumably the area's gone into a massive spasm, has it? Poor little sausage - but at least no bones are chipped and she lives to ride another day (hopefully, with sound stirrups!). Thanks, Shadz, very pleased to hear Troodles isn't going to have to have surgery.
Dont mind at all DOm - I couldnt get on here last night!!

I didnt get X-rayed yesterday - I got pushed and pummeled about a bit, with lots of Tsk Tsking when I said it happened last Thursday, but I didnt see anyone cos I expectred it to hurt and take a while to stop....

Ive got some very strong anti-inflammatories and Im in for lots of manipulation - but Laura isnt sure she can do my neck as Im concussed, she has to check with her boss and maybe get him to do it - as for the rest - its just lots of physio I think - and me being very very glad my friend isnt goign to charge....

Thanks for all the good wishes everyone - you wont notice a differnce if you see me though - Im just a bit vague so no great change!!
Still sounds painful, Trudi but sounds like you should be taking it easy for a while! Concussion is a scarey thing. I had a fall from a horse onto a main road a couple of years back, gave chase to the horse - who headed straight back to the yard, thank god, I then went out for an hours hack on him. After about 3 days I found I had concussion and straight to A&E for a rollocking. I also had a stiff shoulder which took nearly a year of physio to put right. :( I thought I was OK at the time, but you just don't realise.

Just take it easy Trudi...Dr's orders! :)
"Drs orders" the next day were "Never let a loose horse gallop around like that - he could have hurt himself" :eek: :what: :( :angy:

Needless to say, he doesnt know Ive been to L'hopital - and Ive managed to pretty much evade any situations where I may get pulled and thrown about too badly....

I dont expect any sympathy, but he could have asked how I was feeling!
Originally posted by trudij@Apr 26 2007, 09:43 AM
"Drs orders" the next day were "Never let a loose horse gallop around like that - he could have hurt himself" :eek: :what: :( :angy:

Miserable git!

I hope you're back to normal soon.
Hang on, Troodles! Whaddya mean 'avoid situations where... '?? You are CONCUSSED, madam, and you're supposed to be avoiding ALL and ANY such situations. Even getting up to make a cuppa could see you swoon to the ground in a faint. Tell the darn doctor you have had a head injury, and he's likely to have one, too, if he doesn't care a bit more!
You're a nutter girl!!

My quads are screaming at the moment after riding one of today's three lots canter length - even for trotting round the block.....ouch!!