Inter forum competition - Final Result


At the Start
May 3, 2003
Hayes, Middlesex
A great performance from Atacanta sees them take the title, despite entering just the one team.
The highest scorer of the day was Michael from OH racing with a total of £6800.00 giving OH racing the 5 point bonus. The 2nd best score of the day was Crucifix's £5625.00 which scored another 3 points for Atacanta.

Saturday's scores
Atacanta 26 Points
OH Racing 24 Points
Finalfurlong B 22 Points
Talking Horses A 14 Points
Finalfurlong A 10 Points
Talking Horses B 9 Points

Final Score
Atacanta = 121 Points
OH Racing = 107 Points
Final Furlong B = 106 Points
Final Furlong A = 84 Points
Talking Horses A = 73 Points
Talking Horses B = 56 Points
There were some fantastic tips put up in this competition during the week, in fact sometimes I couldn't believe what I was looking at, but Atacanta played a shrewd game, scored consistantly, and ran out deserving winners.
Thanks to everyone who took part.
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Thanks for organising this Ted, Simon etc. over at FF and also congratulations to Atacanta on their victory.

As a side note is there anything for the alternative reverse forecast (last two in any order)?
thanks Ted - Simon and anyone else involved in organising it :cool:

are you sure you've added it up right? :D

we are to tipping what England is to football by the looks of it :)

I'm sure Atacanta were a bit fortunate to catch us on a bad week :)

well done winners
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If Racing for Change ever brings in premierisation, we know where we stand - the equivalent of Chipping Sodbury Over-60's! Fabulously well done, Atacanta, and a big thanks to Tedster and Simon for their excellent efforts in unravelling the odds. I think TH was carrying a bit of condition, so can we have another in a while?
Would just like to say thanks to all for taking part, it has been real fun. It was a bit of a pain getting everyone interested, I'm not gonna lie, but once that was done Ted did everything in terms of working out scores etc. so he should get all the thanks. Shame FF didn't win, there's always next time, a few of us were feeling a bit off so we'll be back to top-form next time :lol: As for you lot, ferk knows what your excuse could be ;). As I said on OHR, there are plenty more festivals, and I like the inter-forum idea, it works well with everyone getting involved and it gets a bit of rivalry and banter going. Maybe even TRF will join next time. We've got Glorious Goodwood, St. Leger Festival and the Ebor Festival all before the end of the flat season. Perhaps each forum can take it in turns to run an inter-forum competition, so it's not the same people always running it?