Internet Explorer

Irish Stamp

Forum Moderator
Mar 21, 2004
Had trouble a month or so ago with my Betdaq account and IE, everytime I logged in it shut down all the windows I had open and all the sites I had accessed. It went normal for a while and let me use it etc but the past two or so days it's gone back to this.

Any ideas of how to resolve this problem?
If you are having problems only with Internet Explorer 6, proceed as follows:

[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}
Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as detailed below.
Data Type: DWORD // Value Name: IsInstalled
Setting for Value Data: [Change the Value from 1 to 0]
Exit Registry

MAKE SURE ITS I-EXPLORER 6 not any other ones........................
IF ANYONE.... who I like??? :P gets a problem please state what your running if its X/P or 98 or M.E. and in this case which I-E... I aint got a crystal ball!! or have I ????????????? OTHERS NEED NOT APPLY.............. :P :lol:
Its looking like I may well have a right result with getting the net - I live in a Marina complex & there is a wireless network set up there so that people in their yachts can access the net. It'll save me forking out a fortune to get a landline & net access installed in my flat! :D
Absolutely, Dave - those thieving bastards at Gibtel (they have the monopoly, unfortunately) want £50 deposit on the landline + £50 connection fee for the landline + £75 connection fee for the internet + £25/month "Gib Wireline" (ADSL allegedly) + £15/month "Gibconnect" + £6/month rental (of what, they didn't specify). All that for a funeral-slow 256/128K connection - bloody cheek!!!!

With YachtConnect there's no connection fee, no software to install or download - just prepay & away to go. Lovely!
Even BT don't ask for a deposit Shads.

Living above a bookies I thought might have benefits (ie. the internet) but it appears they don't use the internet in Ladbrokes :(

Had to pay for a seperate conneciton in the end.