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Iran Attack On The Way


Senior Jockey
Apr 16, 2005
My wife's in laws live in South Cerney "by RAF Fairford" and B1 Stealth bombers have been landing at Fairford over the last few weeks.
These B1's have been going into new specialy built hangers and this would indicate to me (and the Cotswold press) that the groundwork is under way for a strike against Iran as Fairford is the base where these strikes eminate from!
RAF fairford is where B52's can land as the runway is long enough to hold them and all strikes against Bosnia, Iraq etc come from. Fairford's long runway is also the only one on this side of the pond where the Shuttle can land if required.
My father in law says that when these B1 beasts fly over his place that the sky goes dark but there is hardly any noise and they look remarkable as they are so big!!
I can't see the point of Stealths flying all the way from England to Iran, harry, when during the Gulf War (no, not the Invasion of Iraq) they flew out of Saudi bases, along with other American, British, and French bombers to batter Baghdad. It doesn't make geographic sense. If you look on your atlas, you'll see that Iran is a neighbour of Iraq's, which was why they were able to bash each other about so easily during their own war. As far as I know, Stealths are still maintained in northern Saudi Arabia, at the Tabuk military airbase.
Maybe so but don't shoot the messanger eh?
The cotswold local paper commented on this.
:o Unknowing to most! (you heard it here first) bombs were unloaded at NEWPORT DOCKS last week and the week before from the U.S.A. and taken by road to there destination too..... Sorry I can’t divulge my source.....

I posted a similar thing regards its IRAN NEXT and it was not greeted on here as a fact, and was treated with contempt/disdain this was approx; 2 months ??? ago.... But yes you will awake one morning very soon to read the headlines...

BOMBS DROPPED ON IRAN !!!! they are now a threat to the area having threatened to take out and remove ISRAEL from the face of the earth and are SUPPOSEDLY?? Making their own Nuclear bomb......so they have now become the number one target............ :o
I've seen noting out here in Gib that would indicate a forthcoming invasion - prior to the Iraq invasion we were inundated with harriers, tornados, nimrods et al. They use Gib as a stop off (as do the Navy and US Navy) on the way; they also do a lot of their exercises out here as there is a large RAF base (also Army & Navy) here. Gib has a very short runway so is useful for exercise as is the fact that they can get away with flying low over largely populated areas as often as they like :angry: We haven't had any RAF planes for a while now - I certainly wouldn't miss the fact that they were here as my flat overlooks the runway!
I have it on the very best authority that the bombs and the aircraft are to be used for an all-out assault on the new all-weather track at Kempton
Gareth: :lol: :lol: Yeah - they won't even drop their pants until they've got the camera crews and reporters in place, will they! Now, when I hear of CNN and Beeb 24 sending their reporters out to Bandar Abbas, I'll believe something might be on the cards...
Originally posted by krizon@Apr 2 2006, 05:57 PM
Now, when I hear of CNN and Beeb 24 sending their reporters out to Bandar Abbas, I'll believe something might be on the cards...
My thoughts exactly, Krizon.
Shadow Leader, I think that this would be a long range air strike from Fairford using the B1's to precision bomb the sites identified as being involved in the production of nuclear bombs. It would not be an invasion so you would not see increased activity in Gibralter like you saw prior to the Iraq ground war.
Once these strikes take out the nuclear capability of Iran I can't see the US attacking them further.
:lol: Oh, ho-ho-ho, oh, my aching sides! "Precision bomb"?

"Whoops - sorry 'bout that, kids! Thar goes the skewell... an' a harspittle - dang! Look-a them raggyhaid doctors runnin'! :lol: Yeeeehawww... sheeyit, I done got mahself a coupla donkey carts 'n all... man, I ain't haid muhself this much fun since we lynched them niggahs!"

Harry, just a wee thought, before we all get carried away with the enormous fun to be had out of bombing nasty foreigners again: does it not strike you that BOMB + NUCLEAR FACILITY + RADIATION = Not Very Nice? Remembering where the prevailing winds will be blowing that stuff 'n all? I'd just hate to see us and the US (or is that Us 'n' US) wringing our hands in fake horror at the mutated babies being born in a few years' time, and saying how it was such a big mistake. Remember Agent Orange and those nasty little Vietnamese? Christ, do the collective militias of this poor, battered planet NEVER learn a gosh-durned thang?
Christ, do the collective militias of this poor, battered planet NEVER learn a gosh-durned thang?


Becoming a war of words and now actions! as IRAN supposedly tested an under water bomb that can travel @ over 200 mph and take out a large warship(sky news report and words 21-38 pm this evening)..

But what Harry posted and what I already knew regards the bomb delivery are obviously not to be scoffed at and there obviously is some substance to both independent reports.....

So its not scaremongering!! one can only relate what one knows! It’s not conjured up to frighten, but it’s a fact of life, and its actually happening as we speak (regards the operation and them the bombers, are getting prepared /ready if they need to go)

I can only relate something I know that’s happened in my report/thread I have no axe to grind ? I can only relate something that I know......………….
Why are you so worried about Iran, Merlin? The USA continues to have nuclear facilities which can attack most of the Earth at any given time, has underwater, air-to-ground, ground-to-air, water-to-air, water-to-land and quite probably Earth-to-Mars missiles which far outweigh in range ANYTHING owned, let alone developed by, minor military nations like Iran. I don't hear you yelling about Israel's nuclear facilities, or India's, or Pakistan's, or even what North Korea might have up its sleeve. Why are you becoming so hysterical about Iran, which at the time of its war with Iraq, didn't even have the strength to out-distance Iraq's antiquated, unreliable, American-bought Scuds?

Just because most of the West is busy with Islamophobia right now, doesn't mean you have to join in! I'm afraid relying on Sky News is like relying on The Daily Mirror for impartial political views.

Incidentally, did you bother to read the link I put up? Did you wonder if some movements of materiel are made sometimes just to ensure that they make the news - in other words, the more people go, "Ooooh, look, some planes have arrived at XYZ - gosh, that must mean they're going on a bombing mission!", the more the countries doing the moving about hope they will worry their target country or countries? In other words, it's for show.

If the USA were to make an unprovoked strike against Iran, it would lose what credibility it has left in Iraq and Afghanistan, and what it's still hoping to retain with West-friendly states like the Gulf emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and so on. It would lose a heck of a lot of those oil supplies it craves in one stupid, unnecessary action. It has no plans, so far as I know, to bomb any countries which engage in any type of nuclear processing. Just having a country's President say that Israel should be wiped off the map isn't a reason to bomb thousands of innocent civilians into oblivion, much as I'm sure the crazed Bush regime would enjoy doing so.
:lol: Whoops! Caught me out on that one! And I should know - I kept tiny pieces of one which landed near (but nowhere near close enough) to Dhahran Airport! Russian indeed.

Which reminds me - Schwartzkopf was keen during that period that we should all think that the Scud represented a truly dastardly weapon, and that Saddam would fill their heads with poison gases, which was why we were all equipped with gas masks of varying levels of efficacy. We were told to tape up our doors and windows and a.c. vents every time a missile alert went off. If we'd only known then what we know now, that the Scud was notoriously wayward once launched, and that stuffing several kilos of any substance into it would degrade even such performance further, we'd have left the windows open and gone on watching re-runs of Dallas (minus any kissing or drinking scenes, which cut the length of the series down considerably).

It was while aiming for Dhahran Airport (yet again), that the last Scud of the Gulf War found its way to a US service canteen 6k from Dhahran, and killed 28 off-duty Americans, the US's biggest loss.

The point of this ramble is that, in spite of its enormous military might, the US always seems to either wildly over-estimate (Iraq) its target's abilities, or under-estimate them (Vietnam). They seem, for all of their Intelligence services and satellites, to be unable to collate and analyse data efficiently. Wave after wave of attack aircraft was sent out to search for the mobile Scud launchers, usually to no avail at all, which made us wonder whether the billions spent on defence/offence budgets which couldn't find decades-old, creaky military targets were in fact so much money peed down the drain. That they will misjudge Iran, therefore, follows, in my humble opinion.
Why are you so worried about Iran, Merlin?

JON...I am certainly not worried about IRAN or anywhere else for that matter I had added a few words to Harry's thread about what I actually knew what was going on, I can assure you that I don't loose any sleep over it either.

I am also very aware of the transportation of arms and combat vehicles/aircraft as when they are needed as stock or have an imminent stockpile for them being needed to go to war? Any war that is!

When CAERWENT was occupied by the yanks the arms were brought through BARRY docks, then transported by road to there, so yes I am as stated very aware of most things that go on in the area that I live.
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Apr 2 2006, 09:58 AM
..... Sorry I can’t divulge my source.....

Is it the same source that told you that Fallon has been jocked off Ouija Board.
No that one was definitely from the horses mouth Luke even made the SKY-news and the BBC news and it was as stated...... this one is from someone in the logistics corps based here.......... ;)
I seem to remember that the Izzy Air Force wiped out someone's nuclear capacity some years ago. Maybe the Yanks should sub-contract.
They should if they want the right target hit, Tout Seul! :brows: I just can't stand the thought of another of the US's mistimed, misinformed balls-ups where they fail to get given the right coordinates, fail to get the town right, and fail to drop anything in the right place. Children, be afraid, be very afraid... Uncle Sam has you in his sights, as he's miscalibrated his damn rifle scope again!