A rather grim :lol: to that Colin, but they've certainly wiped a helluva lot of Iraqi people off it. Actually, we, as in the European we, already have wiped Iraq off the map, or rather, what was once the kingdom of Mesopotamia, just as we wiped out Palestine to finally act on the Balfour Treaty to create the Zionist homeland of Israel. (We weren't that much bothered, until we got boatlands of Jews fleeing the Nazis, who we really didn't want, and finally, the sight of the concentration camps.) When you're bigger and more powerful than the countries you invade or colonize, you get to cut them up into the bits you want, share them out with your chums like chocolates, and call them what you like. Later on, when you've handed on these badly re-shaped religious and ethnic boundaries, you can accuse their rulers of being tyrants and despots. Funny old world, ain't it?