Irish Racing Stewards


At the Start
May 2, 2003
The Irish stewards and Turf Club have had have had a rotten Christmas and it seems they just want to sweep it under the carpet.

Starting with Streets Of Gold joke....neither Willie Mullins or Ruby Walsh complained about any was the stewards themselves that objected to the ride. They were having a laugh with this result and I have not met one person that thinks they made the right decision...just barmy.

Then comes the Tramore disaster. Jockeys given a five day ban when they should have got much more. The judge then on the day makes the worst mistake of all calling out the wrong result. The judge who announced the result didnt even watch the race in question claiming he was doing some paper work at the time. Yet he gets no fine/suspension/warning etc. Off scot free.

The Turf Club really is an out of date, over paid political racing club. Thats all it is with politics and egos put ahead of the good of racing. Sooner it is done away with and comes under the wing of HRI the better...I give it 5-10 years.

From the Racingpost:

by Tony O'Hehir

IN an unexpected development on Friday it was announced that no further action is to be taken arising from the debacle at Tramore on Monday when all 14 jockeys riding in a race either rode a finish or pulled up their mounts with a circuit to race.

Nine riders, including Davy Russell and Davy Condon, received five-day bans and one rider, Orlando Kelly, was referred on for failing to attend the inquiry on the day following the Newtown Handicap Chase.

The other four riders involved in the bizarre incident, Andrew McNamara, Barry Cash, Shane Jackson and Kevin Coleman, were exonerated by the stewards after all jockeys had been interviewed individually. It was decided that the four riders who went unpenalised had either not ridden a finish or had decided to pull up atthat stage of the race.

Sean Barry, registrar of the Irish National Hunt Steeplechase Committee, said: “The stewards of the INHS Committee have looked at what happened at Tramore and have decided that it is not necessary to take the matter any further.
“They feel that the acting stewards at Tramore conducted their business properly and the bans imposed stand as they are. The matter is officially closed.

“What happened at Tramore will be on the agenda for our next stewards' meeting on January 15 and I'm sure it will also get an airing at a stewards' seminar which will be held on January 29.

“But it will be discussed in general terms and in terms of consistency in stewards' decisions and there is no question of the case being reopened.”
Mr Aussie, ridden by McNamara, went on to win the race after five horses eventually completed the full course.
Originally posted by Galileo@Jan 5 2008, 06:42 PM
Starting with Streets Of Gold joke....neither Willie Mullins or Ruby Walsh complained about any was the stewards themselves that objected to the ride.
I didn't see the race and I gather the decision was a poor one but the quote above is misleading. This is always the scenario with Stewards Enquiries ~ the notion that there should have to be an objection for the Stewards to look at a result is fanciful.
This is always the scenario with Stewards Enquiries ~ the notion that there should have to be an objection for the Stewards to look at a result is fanciful.

I was referring to this particular case. And in this particular case the only possible reason for a SE should have been some sort of objection because on viewing it there is no way the race should have been taken off the winner.