Is it me, or is this an utter joke???

Shadow Leader

At the Start
Nov 9, 2003
Ahmed Ajtebi has been deported for 'visa irregularities', according to the RP. Is it me, or does this sound a little draconian?

Ok, I'm no expert in immigration law but Ahmed held down a job here, establishing a trade, and was good at it - he also held a visa in good faith when he arrived here. According the the RP he thought he was entitled to stay here until September.

Contrast that with the many illegals who either stay here under the radar and earn cash in hand, so paying no taxes, or the ones who live here on benefits and make no effort to get a job or repay the state.

A case of a jobsworth kicking up for the sake of it, knowing Ajtebi was easy meat since he declared in the first place and they knew he'd probably go quietly? A statistics booster?

Otherwise, it's got me knackered. As I said, I'm certainly not an expert in immigration law but surely someone who entered the country legally and believed themselves to still be legal whilst earning themselves a decent living, paying UK taxes and not living off the Government is a poor target to pick?
My last temp job in London was in an organisation that deals with refugees/asuylum seekers.Take it from me your own government is spending millions funding spurious applications.
It's appalling - and typical of the 'target' culture in public jobs.
Pick an easy target and fulfill your quota :rolleyes: and ferk common sense, and humanity

Clive Brittain is spitting tacks. He's quoted as saying 'He'll get his papers sorted and come back, and he'll be welcome in my house any time"