Is there an escape route from Facebook?

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
I joined Facebook a couple of weeks ago. My over-riding feeling is that it's a pile of shite. How do I escape?
I've tried to like it, but don't. It's okay if you have family, loads of interesting activities, millions of photos you want to show people, etc., but for me it's not working. Glad you asked, DO - I looked for the escape tunnel a couple of days ago and couldn't find it. Thanks, Granger, for providing the shovel to dig our way out!
Cheers Granger.

I'd overdone the red wine last night and was down about something. I'll probably leave the account open for now and see how it goes. I can only access it at weekends anyway these days so it's no big deal.

It's probably not wise for a school teacher to get too heavily involved in Facebook, anyway.

PS If you do continue, don't allow Shadow Leader to be one of your friends. I've already had to lodge a formal complaint against her for clogging up my home page with shite about the pointless, childish farm game she plays.
Dont use facebook, bebo and especially the Betfair forum. A post can do a lot of damage.
I'm now de-Faced. DO, stick to a drink you can handle - Irn Bru, for example. It's against your Scottish heritage to try picking up those fancy French ways with the Merlot, and just leads to foolishness, like jumping off bridges. Oddly enough, I have at least two friends who've given up drinking reds - one, because they made her depressed and tearful, the other because he became aggressive and argumentative. They're pretty safe on well-chilled Chardonnay these days.
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It's probably not wise for a school teacher to get too heavily involved in Facebook, anyway.

That was on my mind and I'm wary of what I write. Quite a few teachers I know on there already, mind, and they're generally a sensible lot!
PS If you do continue, don't allow Shadow Leader to be one of your friends. I've already had to lodge a formal complaint against her for clogging up my home page with shite about the pointless, childish farm game she plays.

Yes, and I told you to fuck off!! Besides which, you can't have many people on there surely? My home page is clogged up with loads of shite about mafia wars, cafe whatever, farm town, asking pointless questions, horoscopes, endless bloody lists of crappy and pointless little facts about people (what is your favourite colour? Have you ever had your heart broken?), crap stating how many people there are in the world with your name, etc, etc. However, unlike you, I don't bitch like hell about it, I just don't read them. Stop being such a miserable bastard and deactivate your account if you feel like that!

Dear Ms Leader:

I regret to advise you that you will be required to take part of your Interpersonal Relations III exam again. Your written paper was satisfactory, but the interlocutor has pointed out that your physical assault on one of the class members during role play (Module 2 - Defusing Negative Situations) resulted in him sustaining a bloody nose and abrasions to his buttocks.

Please telephone me to arrange an alternative date for your re-examination. Do not, I repeat do not, visit the office in the meantime.

Yours, etc.

The Principal
Settings> Deactivate Account > Job done

Another question for you Granger :):

Is it possible to set things so that I don't get an email about each and every comment that people have made that have nowt to do with me? (I really don't want to know that person x has commented on person y's status.)
Beware of emails stating "friends" have joined and you need to rejoin to see them.
Deactivated myself a number of months ago, having got sick to the back teeth of finding out "Z" had just eaten toast and jam. Got an email about 6 weeks back from "X" who had joined. Being a reasonably good friend who I hadn't seen since I left school, I decided to give it another go. The lying people, they weren't there.
Guillable me for believing it though!!
Its great for connecting with friends and family. Half of my family are overseas, so its the cheapest and most convenient way of "connecting" with them in that way. Plus they get to see photos of the family, holidays, etc.

I still don't get the whole "Farmville" thing that everyone raves on about. Best suggestion when you get that rubbish coming through is just delete it instantly when it shows up on the Home page in the top right hand corner as Requests.
Another question for you Granger :):

Is it possible to set things so that I don't get an email about each and every comment that people have made that have nowt to do with me? (I really don't want to know that person x has commented on person y's status.)

On your main page (where you will see all comments from x) if you click just to the right of said comment, a hide icon will appear and if you click this you will hide all their shite from your newsfeed