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Is There Any Point?

Irish Stamp

Senior Jockey
Mar 21, 2004
Got my finals coming up next week and was wondering is there really any point in me attending them?

Had a group project to get done (well two, one for last friday and one for this). Now I find out that despite numerous e-mails, txt messages, phone calls (in which my group member hasn't picked up the phone) and meetings that we've arranged and I've been the only member of my group to turn up (3 meetings in all) and having agreed that whilst he's done the technical mapping of our information and I was to analyse the data that he's decided (and not told me or the other group member) to do it on his own and tell my other group member there's no point doing it as it was due in last Friday?

I'm trying to contact my lecturer as there's no way that I could get it done with my other group member by Friday, it's taken about 3 months of mapping and background research etc just go get up to this stage and with exams next week and a dissertation due in it's just really really stressing. Oh and now my lecturer's not answering her phone :angy:
Luck is about the only thing that can save me - that, Heterostadasticity, Multicollinearity and linear regression, and that's just on the one exam paper.

Got a txt off him saying that he handed it in last Friday with mine and his names on it, I'm going to check with my lecturer though just in case.

Current schedule stands at:
12th May - Dissertation: Literature Review target
15th May - Urban and Regional Analysis exam
16th May - Sign off notes from lecturer for exam
17th May - Social Exclusion: Critical Geographies of the City exam
19th May - Dissertation: Methodology target
22nd May - Dissertation: Analysis target
23rd May - Molly makes her debut at Kempton Park
25th May - Dissertation: Conclusion target
26th May - Dissertation hand in target
31st May - Dissertation due in
1st June - Irish Stamp's Round :)
You will find your problem is not uncommon. Check the project and that you are happy to have your name to it. If you are, keep your head down, if not, discuss it with the lecturer. You can be sure he's been there before and will have a fair solution.
Thanks Mel and Col - I am doing, I haven't seen the project as yet and it's been handed in, I know if he's put my name to it it'll be good but I'm at the stage of being fed up with the whole of University and I really really want to graduate now and not have to look at another academic book ever again.
Do not consider for a second not turning up for your finals. Even if you feel your preperation has been absolutely awful, at least give yourself the chance to scrape through.
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@May 9 2006, 11:24 AM
Do not consider for a second not turning up for your finals. Even if you feel your preperation has been absolutely awful, at least give yourself the chance to scrape through.
I'll second that :)
Me too - you've got to give yourself a chance Martin, or else you'll spend the rest of your life wondering "what if....?" Good luck :)
And me. One thing a future employer will be looking for is that you stuck at the course for the requisite period and came out with something (anything) at the end of it. If you give up, the first question at any interview will be why and you'd better have a damn good answer.
As Shads says - Good Luck.
Sorry but I'm not going to sympathise much. Degrees have become watered down and devalued and the whole point of being able to get one is to show you have the ability to not only know your chosen subject but to think around problems and achieve solutions - ie, to demonstrate that your brain actually functions!

Get a grip, Martin - you're just suffering from the usual stress everyone gets just before their finals. Get over it and get on with it. If you can't cope with this kind of problem now, you don't deserve to get your degree.

I still get the occasional nightmare where I suddenly discover that the section of my degree course that I thought didn't have final exams now has them - the next day.... cue waking up in a muck sweat....

Oh, sorry Martin - I also wish you Good Luck ! :lol:
I can cope with the problems Songsheet it's the problem of my lecturer's disappearing all over the place (LA and the Czech Republic amongst others) when you've arranged meetings with them, I know they're very busy people but as a lecturer and taking people for tutorials you think they'd be able to spare a few minutes for the students.

I suppose I should think positive, the first two years are out of the way, as are 3 1/2 out of 6 units of this final year, now for two 4 hour exams :)
I know how you feel Martin, the one thing that disillusioned me most about uni was the realisation that most of the lecturers really couldn't give a shit and were far more interested in whatever obscure piece of research they were currently justifying their existence with.
That's because universities only rate staff on their research rather than their teaching . I taught part time in a University for three years after my degree until I could not spare the time any more and I was also a student there.

Some of the most feted members of staff could not teach for toffee no matter how many articles they had written - two others were " never mind the qaulity feel the width " merchants who recycled and updated the same articles about ten times .

I was worried that one topic in property law seemed to baffle the students and I did an idiot's guide for my tutorial groups ( can see how long ago this was they now have seminars of 25 not tutorials of 8 ) that apparently went round like wildfire and one permanent member of staff was annoyed because she thought I had set a dangerous trend!
Martin - troubled times call for direct language, so let me be frank.

If you don't turn up for your finals I am going to fly over there and kick seven kinds of shite out of you.

Hope this helps.



Anyway - read this...

Exam Anxiety:

Examinations are an integral part of university life. Without them, nepotism would surely reign and it would be ‘who you know’ rather than ‘what you know’ that would matter academically. But the possession of relevant knowledge does not guarantee exam success. Instead, good results depend significantly on how well you can organise and express your knowledge on the big day. In short, you will receive marks not for what you know - but for how well you transmit that knowledge under examination conditions.

How to do your best when it matters most. But exams are potentially
stressful situations. Counselling services are routinely swamped by people seeking help for such stress-related problems as insomnia, headaches, panic attacks and depression. But much of this exam stress is controllable. By understanding where it comes from, we can learn to make our nervous energy work for us rather than against us.

Anxiety is a fear reaction which we experience whenever we interpret a particular person, event or situation as posing a threat to us in some way.
This threat may be based on realistic or on imaginary fears. For example, if you are a passenger ina speeding car under the control of a drunken driver, then you have a valid reason to be anxious about your safety. But on other occassions, the anxiety which we experience may be completely disproportionate to the realistic danger involved.

To illustrate, some people may freeze in terror when they see a harmless spider in the shower. Here, the fear is caused by the belief that spiders are unpleasant or dangerous rather than by the actual threat posed by the spider itself.

Anxiety affects how we feel, think and behave. To begin with, it can produce an unpleasant sensation of bodily tension as well as feelings of agitation and panic. Next, anxiety hampers our thinking and decision-making skills. An anxious student may not perceive an important phrase (e.g.
‘compare and contrast’) in an exam question because his of her concentration beam has narrowed due to nervousness. Perhaps the best way to counteract this problem is to underline key words to ensure maximum focus. Finally, anxiety can affect the tempo of our behaviour. For example, it may speed up our writing so that it becomes illegible.

A certain amount of anxiety arousal is necessary before any important performance in order to energise our bodies. Therefore, you should never worry about having a pounding heart on the day of an exam. Instead, you should say to yourself ‘Good! My heartbeat shows that my body is fired up and ready for action!’

Exam anxiety can arise from discrepancies between the conditions under which we study and those in which we are tested. You may like to study in a familiar place, with a cup of coffee by you side and your books or notes piled high on your desk - perhaps evensoothed by the comforting sound of your favourite background music! Consider the conditions under which you will be examined: a silent but crowded hall with no background music, no coffee and worse of all, no notes beside you! Is it any wonder that your mind triggers an alarm response when it notices this stark contrast between your study and exam conditions?

An alarm response is also contageous! What do most students do when they receive their exam paper? Curiously, they tend to take a quick glance at the emotional reactions of their classmates to the paper - and if they detect fear, then panic spreads like wild-fire throughout the exam hall - but please don’t test this observation for yourself.

To summarise, be glad of the fact that your body becomes energised at the prospect of doing an exam. But you should reduce ‘discrepancy anxiety’ by studying as often as possible under exam-like conditions, e.g. checking what you can remember about a topic without consulting your summary notes.

How to control your anxiety about exams:

Students cope with exam anxiety in many different ways. Some try to convince themselves that exams are not worth worrying about. Although this attitude is helpful, it does not indicate what to do if anxiety strikes.
Other students hope that anxiety will go away if it is ignored.
Unfortunately, this view is counter-productive because ‘bottled up’ anxiety will always express itself later. A third way of coping with exam anxiety is to make excuses in advance (e.g. ‘my lecturers were useless’ or ‘I haven’
t opened a book, I know I’m going to fail’). These excuses are often accompanied by self-defeating actions which sabotage students’ own performances, e.g. avoiding studying until the last minute so that the poor performance can be attributed to the lack of time to prepare properly.

Dealing with exam anxiety:
1. Look at exams as challenges rather than as threats - as opportunities to
show what you know or have learned rather than as tests of what you do not know.
2. Establish control over the exam situation - equip yourself with knowledge
about the nature and location of the exam - visit the exam hall in advance, note the layout and atmosphere. Ignore what other people do in the exam - do not look around when the papers are handed out or pay attention to students who request extra paper. Remember, it is the quality not the quantity of the answer that attracts good marks.

Discuss your problems with a member of the academic staff and / or with a counsellor in your university. Asking for professional helps is an important step in solving any problem.

Extracts from Managing Your Own Learning at University: A Practical Guide:
Prof. Aidan P. Moran. U.C.D.
Originally posted by Irish Stamp@May 9 2006, 02:09 PM
it's the problem of my lecturer's disappearing all over the place (LA and the Czech Republic amongst others) when you've arranged meetings with them,

Right - you send a recorded letter stating clearly when the meetings had been arranged for (and by) and also stating who was present and who wasn't to the Bursar and/or Head of the Student Admin dept (or whatever the equivalent is in your Uni) and a copy also to your Student Union. Make this a factual, non-accusatory letter and make absolutely sure of your facts - did you get confirmation from your lecturer agreeing the time/place? A good tip to follow is to always email confirmation of this type of meeting to the Tutor/Lecturer (with a delivery/read receipt) when they have previously failed to show. And again, if they ever fail to show, always send an email asking why they didn't turn up.
Originally posted by Irish Stamp@May 9 2006, 02:09 PM
I know they're very busy people but as a lecturer and taking people for tutorials you think they'd be able to spare a few minutes for the students.

And that's utter bollocks - they're no more busy than you are!
I've one lecturer (a very good one) who seems to make at least one foreign trip per week, not just to England either, usually the states.

Being in first year I've no such worries as Martin. I didn't go to a lecture all semester and I'm still fairly confident I got 100% (or close to it) in my only "level two" exam this year. It's so easy it's hard to believe I'm learning anything.
Originally posted by Songsheet+May 9 2006, 03:32 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Songsheet @ May 9 2006, 03:32 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Irish Stamp@May 9 2006, 02:09 PM
I know they're very busy people but as a lecturer and taking people for tutorials you think they'd be able to spare a few minutes for the students.

And that's utter bollocks - they're no more busy than you are! [/b][/quote]
Seconded - the great myth of time spent as an undergraduate - you are left with the impression that the lecturers are incredibly busy, omniscient beings who you are lucky to get any time with.

Then you move on to a postgraduate course, and you realise what a bunch of lazy overpaid idiots they are. In the case of Engineering, most of them are only there because they couldn't hack a job in industry anyway.

Had to laugh when the lecturers were striking for more pay last month... in my experience, I can't think of a bunch that deserve it less.
Originally posted by Irish Stamp@May 9 2006, 11:57 AM
Current schedule stands at:
12th May - Dissertation: Literature Review target
15th May - Urban and Regional Analysis exam
16th May - Sign off notes from lecturer for exam
17th May - Social Exclusion: Critical Geographies of the City exam
19th May - Dissertation: Methodology target
22nd May - Dissertation: Analysis target
23rd May - Molly makes her debut at Kempton Park
25th May - Dissertation: Conclusion target
26th May - Dissertation hand in target
31st May - Dissertation due in
1st June - Irish Stamp's Round :)

It's hard for me to have a massive amount of sympathy for you Martin.

My current schedule stands at:

9th May 2006 - 18th November 2044 - Work 40 hours/week, 48 weeks/year
Thanks all, that schedule excites me at the moment Relks though no doubt 6 months from now I'll be going "wish I was back at Uni again".

I don't mind some of the research it can be useful but when you look at the news and see a lecturer from your uni has spent 18 months researching whether UFO's actually exist and then concluding that they do it does make you wonder?

There are a number of lecturer's who interact with the students well but it happens to be the case that myself and all my classmates find the hardest is the one where the lecturer is murder to get hold of and going away for the rest of this week. He's a leading authority on statistics and the like and despite knowing his stuff I'm not a fan of his teaching methods to such an extent that while discussing the exam paper a colleague mentioned that she didn't have a clue about the paper to which another replied "do you think anyone has?".

I've a meeting arranged to discuss my dissertation next week and to get an evaluation of it thus far on Tuesday so will be sure to e-mail my lecturer to confirm (though he's not missed one yet).
Originally posted by Relkeel+May 9 2006, 05:23 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Relkeel @ May 9 2006, 05:23 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Irish Stamp@May 9 2006, 11:57 AM
Current schedule stands at:
12th May - Dissertation: Literature Review target
15th May - Urban and Regional Analysis exam
16th May - Sign off notes from lecturer for exam
17th May - Social Exclusion: Critical Geographies of the City exam
19th May - Dissertation: Methodology target
22nd May - Dissertation: Analysis target
23rd May - Molly makes her debut at Kempton Park
25th May - Dissertation: Conclusion target
26th May - Dissertation hand in target
31st May - Dissertation due in
1st June - Irish Stamp's Round :)

It's hard for me to have a massive amount of sympathy for you Martin.

My current schedule stands at:

9th May 2006 - 18th November 2044 - Work 40 hours/week, 48 weeks/year [/b][/quote]
Watching racing ? :P

As I said to you this morning, do not let some one else get the better of you, plus what is the point of going to university for all 3 years if you drop out at the last moment?