I've Just Noticed...


At the Start
May 2, 2003
... that the secret forum for moderators to talk about us plebs has disappeared. I think it should be moved into forum gold for us all to have a goo at now it is no longer relevant.
Hang on when where the famous five at Mallory Towers, wasnt that the four Marys. Didnt they have a really butch hockey teacher and another who couldnt go outside without a hat in case she got a freckle. Oh and they had horses too, no wonder I always wanted to go to bording school.
Crikey! I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition! :o But then, no-one ever does... I dunno, I thought the Famous Five used to scull around in hoodies late at night, barging into empty houses and climbing over walls, pretending to be investigating strange goings-on in the 'hood. Not much has changed these days, except they didn't carry sawn-offs and handguns.