Jackdaws Castle

eric c

At the Start
May 15, 2003
If it were mine I would pay Jonjo off and invite Alan King to return.
Secondly I would employ a new team to buy my young horses----name me any JP horse that was bought before it ever ran.
The man deserves better times than that loudmouth Harry Findlay.
Originally posted by eric c@Feb 25 2008, 08:10 PM
name me any JP horse that was bought before it
Like A Butterfly, Joe Mac, Istabraq (bought from the flat),Cardinal Hill.

If JP was seriously concerned about the loss of money or the relatively poor results he has had in terms of the investment he has put in, Jonjo would be gone a long time ago.
Gal, as the the thread appears to be a criticism of Jonjo. as you acknowledge with your last sentence, mentioning horses trained by others does seem to be rather a red-herring.

I don't understand JP's purchases of ready-made horses, unless it is a need to be associated with good/great horses.

I'm sure he hasn't the same motives as Godolphin, but there is a superficial similarity in that both operations appear to buying up the ready-made article.

I, and I can only speak for myself here, would never be able to identify with a horse in the same way as if I had either bred it or bought it un-raced, or at least un-exposed ( a run in a hunter-chase in Ireland would be acceptable!!! :) )
Originally posted by Bar the Bull@Feb 26 2008, 11:31 AM
Of the leading trainers, I would be a fan of Mullins and maybe O’Grady.

Of the up and coming, Colm Murphy does it for me. Griffin is a decent trainer, too.

I also think that Meade, Morris and Nolan can train.
The first three I agree, not so sure the fourth. Meade has stacks of horses and usually has a bad spell every year due to sickness. No idea what mouse gets up to, he goes missing for long periods.Nolan like Meade also deals in volume.

I like to see ordinary horses win races. Usually an indicator that the trainer knows what he is at. Strike rate would be more important to me than quantity.
With the resources he has he should be buying the best at the right stage and then should have them with the very best trainer.... by some distance.

but he doesnt have a single animal with the man most likely to deliver...
Yes I think the loyalty thing is holding him back a bit, it would make you wonder what a man who made his money punting owes ex jockeys now trainers.
Originally posted by Bar the Bull@Feb 26 2008, 11:07 AM
Any man who persists with Christie Roche, Charlie Swan and Jonjo O'Neill with millions of thoroughbred talent deserves what he gets.
Spot on.
Originally posted by trackside528+Feb 26 2008, 10:47 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (trackside528 @ Feb 26 2008, 10:47 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Bar the Bull@Feb 26 2008, 11:07 AM
Any man who persists with Christie Roche, Charlie Swan and Jonjo O'Neill with millions of thoroughbred talent deserves what he gets.
Spot on. [/b][/quote]
I think JP is loyal to those who have been good to him in the past.
It seems to me very clear by now that JP's business interests are not in racing. He may still punt a lot, or a bit - but he has made his pile, and money makes money - racing can now be a sport to him, and a relaxation. He doesn't need any more to use it to set himself up.

He's made it clear in every interview he's ever given that for him racing is about the craic, and having a good time with his true friends. His money is now made elsewhere.

Sure he wants to keep a few good'uns for the big days, who wouldn't with all that dosh -- but much of what he does is to do with keeping old pals in business, and having a damn good day out when you go racing. And if you had the money to do that without missing it, wouldn't you?

Those who start treating racing as a business and constantly watch the bottom line are no friend to horses. Nor finally to racing... the sport can't have too many 'JP's in my opinion
Jp pays too much money for crap horses that are recommended to him by 'friends'.I didn't think anyone would put up with that regardless of how much money they earn unless of course they feel indebted.
For all that, it's hardly a disaster when he's been leading owner in Britain for the last two seasons and is topping the table this season.

For the number of horses he has he should probably expect nothing less and be winning it by more, but we all know that if he was dominating the sport he'd be unpopular.
Im with Colin - I dont get the attraction with buying success - I just dont know that you can get the same thrill as when youve seen them grow into nice horses....

(though if I had that kind of money Id want to do both!!!)

as for trainers Id have mine with if I was JP - as an extra Id have them with Eddie Hales. Sad.sad day for Lambourn when he left - never been the same since!!!
I know for a fact that JP really cares for his racehorses. He could pay hundreds of thousands for them, and yet their welfare is paramount if they don't turn into quite as special an animal as he had originally been promised.
Has anyone suggested he doesnt?? Anyone who reads an article or watches an interview with him can tell how much he cares about his horses!!

It doesnt matter if hes paid oodles of cash for them or hardly anything - they all deserve (and seem to get) teh same treatment, which is exactly how it should be. Makes a nice change to see an owner with more than a couple of horses who makes proper provision for them,whatever they do on the course.