Jade Goody RIP

Very sad to see this young mother of two pass away at the age of 27. I know there have been mixed opinions of how she exposed herself to media in the last few weeks. Whether it was right or wrong, the more attention and public awarenes of cancer, the better we are all for it.
RIP, but I don't get a lot of the tributes. Had she died in a car crash and not say of cancer I doubt there would have been all the "she was an amazing mother", 2Such a pleasant lady" stuff that the TV's News channels are portraying at the moment.
not a fan in the slightest dont know where the media get the celebrity bit,think of all the decent people who die horribly every day and will never get tv attention,however it is a terrible way for someone to go and my sympathy goes to her family.
RIP, I understand why she went public but I don't agree with it.
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