James Willoughby


Senior Jockey
Jan 6, 2005
Anyone else viewed the RP`s video preview of the two big races this weekend? This guy`s performance was unreal. Clueless.

He referred to DoM`s rivals as just a mob and attempted to persuade the viewers that he was a cert to stay because Lemon Drop Kid won the Belmont Stakes and he is closely related to the Duke`s Dam. Breathtaking.

How the feck did this prick ever get a job writing about something he knows nothing about.
He gets very little right-last years Belmont being an exception and Domedriver in the Breeders Cuo if you want to go back to 2002.
His article in the RP every Saturday is 99% waffle followed by a losing selection.
As EC1 says, he's a contrarian and either chooses to or is forced to take that stance in his columns ~ either way, it makes them utterly pointless reading.
The more I know about racing and more I see it at close quarters, the less respect I have for most racing journalists - a lazier breed on the whole it would be hard to find. It's a pressurised job with tight deadlines, but some seem to do no research whatever. There's no excuse
The more I know about racing and more I see it at close quarters, the less respect I have for most racing journalists - a lazier breed on the whole it would be hard to find. It's a pressurised job with tight deadlines, but some seem to do no research whatever. There's no excuse
Lee Mottershead, HS?
I have several in mind, but one recent article in the Owner & Trainer by a 'respected' journalist who writes for a national had me really fuming.

And my 'inside' on Great Leighs has been a particular eye-opener: I *do* know the full story (most of which is on the website if people care to look, and all of which is easily obtainable just by asking) so I've been particularly shocked by the shoddiness and inaccuracy a lot of what's been written
Yep first lesson when dealing with the press - do not believe everything you read. Second lesson, stay as far away from them as possible or they will surely misquote you. I'm cautious because I worked with them in the music bizz.

I think they get into a routine and as you say have deadlines and in the end just do not care that much about what they write. Many of them start out with an idea and no matter what happens in the interview or on the day they stick to original idea even if it is totally incorrect. You can see them putting words into people's mouths and not listening. Trying to create a situation that does not exist. It ends up being about THEM instead of the subject matter.

This is a generalisation, obviously as not all of them are like this. But I think it can end up like being a commerical artist, if you have to write what other people tell you to, or draw commercially you can lose your soul.
PS Rory - Mottershead's book on Persian Punch was disgraceful, very poorly written.
No doubt he was leaned on to finish it prematurely due to the horse's death, but such glaringly poor English is inexcusable. I confess I don't much bother to read his stuff in the RP
................ a bit like watching your man, Anthony Kemp, present from Thirsk yesterday afternoon.

His comments throughout the afternoon suggests he sees himself as a paddock-watcher.
................ a bit like watching your man, Anthony Kemp, present from Thirsk yesterday afternoon.

His comments throughout the afternoon suggests he sees himself as a paddock-watcher.

The bloke is Klueless with a capital K, Colin!!

Yes, he thinks he's a paddock watcher.....he also thinks he's some kind of form expert.....:eek:

Doesn't stop him narrowing every race down to a match between the jolly and the next in, before plumping for the jolly.

....and he gets paid, well, to spout such junk.
I thought Willoughby's article on the KG was very good today (although I don't agree with his view on Duke Of Marmalade).

He also definitely had the right horse at the top of his O'Brien legends list.
I think he is super. Looks at things from different angles and even if he is wrong at least he throws it out there beforehand.

I think by the end of the season Duke Of Marmalade will be at the top of the Ballydoyle greats.