Jamie 'Spencer' Yates.

Colin Phillips

At the Start
Dec 22, 2003
Talbot Green
his piece was included in the race card at Ffos Las yesterday:

Jamie 'Spencer' Yates

By Paul James Tolman
(Head Lad at Alison Thorpe's Yard)

On January 8th. 2009, a very special and talented young boy's life was so cruelly cut short. Words couldn't possibly begin to explain how much he is missed on the yard. I would like to give you a small insight into what we saw and what left uswith that deep saddening thought of what could have been.

Spencer, as he was called after the champion flat jockey, Jamie Spencer, started by coming into Alison's yard once a week , on Sundays, dropped off every week by his grandfather, Geraint. In he would come , barely looking old enoughto make the step from primary school to high school let alone ride horses, but the main challenge was trying to get two words out of him during the day!! To start off we put him up on a few quiet ones to get him startedand although a very quiet young lad, when he was riding a horse he had lots of confidenceand he progressed and progressed and it soon came to a point where it was evident to see he was a little bit special. At six and a half stone he proved the pointof riding horses is technique not power. Spencer was very naturally talented and in a very short space of time he had developed into a very good rider. He went from riding keen horses to schooling both over hurdles and fences and riding work.

He enjoyed coming to Felinfach so much that an arrangement with the school was made for Jamie to get the Friday off school. Friday being the main work day here. He would come on Thursday night and stay with myself, Jodie and Rebecca, up until Sunday night. We used to have a good laugh and all got on really well. When I had rides at nearby meetings, Spencer would come along with me and he really enjoyed going to tthe races and seeing what it is all about. He was my little man and I and everyone else loved him to bits.

He is greatly missed by everyone here at the yard and the hole that was left since he has gone will never be filled. He was such a polite well mannered young lad with such bright prospects, taken at the age of 15. Nobody will never know how far or how good he could have been, but I do...................different class. He will never be forgotten.

Jamie Spencer Yates
23-03-93 - 08-01-09

For those unaware, Jamie was stabbed to death by his step-father.

The case is on in court at the moment and I believe the defence is one of diminished responsibilty due to the step-father's mental state.
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thanks for sharing, colin, very moving indeed. a huge shame, not really nothing one can add. jimmy is friend with tolman on fb, and one could read how devasted he was after these horrific events.
I went on to Alison Thorpe to congratulate her on the piece and she introduced me to Paul, the author of the piece, he seemed to fill up as I was congratulating him.
What a terribly sad story. Condolences to all concerned - although that seems too lame for what they must all be going through.
Hope he rots in hell.

Nice touch with his favouite racehorse leading his funeral procession

FRom the RP
THE stepfather of aspiring jockey Jamie Yeates was on Wednesday sentenced to life in prison for his stepson's murder and told he would serve at least 16 years.
Jamie Yeates: stabbed 18 times

Sentencing Carl Wayne Bowen, 42, of Llanelli, at Swansea Crown Court, Mr Justice Nigel Davies said he was ahighly dangerous man.
A jury had found Bowen guilty of killing Yeates, 15, whom he stabbed 18 times as he slept.
Bowen was also convicted of the attempted murder of his wife Maria and wounding Jamie's sister Kimberly with intent. The jury dismissed his defence of diminished responsibility.
Bowen received a mandatory life sentence for the murder, but the judge was required to set the minimum number of years he would stay in prison before being released on licence.
Justice Davies said that, as a psychiatrist had decided Bowen was both highly dangerous and that "the prognosis is dire," he should not assume he would be released after the 16 years.
"You will be released only when the authorities have decided you are no longer a danger," he added.
At Wednesday's sentencing hearing, Bowen's barrister, Peter Rouch QC, told the judge he could not think of any mitigation he could put forward on his client's behalf.
The judge said Bowen had been so "manipulative and controlling" he had even tried to trick psychiatrists by researching the definition of diminished responsibility put forwardas his defence.
"You told a psychiatrist, who asked you why you had stabbed Jamie, 'it is not me.' You were trying to say it was not you, or your character," he said.
"It seems to me you have a very distorted view of what you are really like. It was you. It was not out of character.
"You are highly dangerous and you are not suffering from a psychotic illness. One psychiatrist said the prognosis was dire. You are a dangerous man and I'm not sure you realise that."
Yeates, who worked three days a week at trainer Alison Thorpe's Carmarthenshire stable and whose burning ambition was to make his name as a top Flat jockey, had been due to take up a place atthe Northern Racing College in Doncaster this summer.
A crowd of around 4,000 turned out in Llanelli for his funeral, when the procession was led by Yeates's favourite racehorse, Insignia, a winner over hurdles and fences. Last week he was remembered with a memorial race at the first Flat meeting at Ffos Las, which would have been the closest racecourse to his home.
Why set it for 16? Why not 50? If he lives beyond that then yes, maybe, he might be considered to be let out. Or why bother at all? Just a terrible story with no real justice given at all to the dead or the family left behind.
He is just the type of person who should never be let out again

I know we have moved on from capital punishment but sometimes their are people out there that just fit the bill