Jamie Spencer


At the Start
May 2, 2003
I know there's a thread to which this post is relevant but I can't find it - if someone finds it feel free to merge.

I don't watch a whole heap of drudgery level flat racing, but Spencer seems to have doubled his range of riding tactics to becoming two-dimensional. And he seems to be bloody good at it. Every time (granted a small sample size) I back him on a front runner it seems to win and at least some of the time you'd sense that the jockey was the determining factor in the result.

Weybridge Light last night was not a classic example in that he seemed to have a bit in hand, but a fine controlling ride nonetheless.
Yeah he seems to try to front run on everything he rides on the all-weather now (Flipando aside). Today he's not done too well.
He gave Yahrab an absolute peach the other week at Lingfield, top ride. His ride on Rainbow Seeker today at Great Leighs was also very good and that was a hold up ride. However, his ride on Casual Style at Kempton was comical the other night. I should point out I didn't back any of those three.

He has seemed a lot better on the all-weather this year compared to how dire he was on the turf. I'd still sooner have a list of 20 or so jockeys onboard ahead of him.

Don't worry, it'll soon be big fields at Ascot with him running up the arse of everything else!
seem to remember that his AW wins ..a lot at Wolves ...helped him a lot when he tied with Seb

would agree that he has improved lately with his front running tactics...could be the making of him :rolleyes:
Style of riding for me his how a jockey uses himself...some more upper body others more lower/leg.

The fact that is "style" is defined as either holding a horse up last or fronting running with little or no in between tells me all I need to know about Spencer and his tactics.

At their best, the tactical positioning and timing of Murtagh, Moore and Dettori are just in a different league to the likes of Spencer.
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look at it this way...he can now hold a horse up and win..and front run and win

when he gets the other 75% then... he will be complete ;)

all I bother about with a jockey is their ability to read the pace and put a horse in the best place to suit within that pace...thats what they get paid for imo.
He gave Flipando an absolute peach yesterday at Great Leighs and survived a lengthy stewards enquiry too, very well timed. I don't know what's got into him but he seems to be riding very well at present.
Like Gal said earlier, the other jop jockeys are in a different league once the flat gets going again.

The lot riding the AW in the Winter aren't in the same league at all, Jamie just looks a lot better against them. See some tactically inept rides a lot more on the AW, most of them can't even judge pace.
Good one of those can't judge pace type rides on Invasian yesterday at Great Leighs Stan. Was 6 lengths clear early and tailed off by the time they were entering the home straight.