Jim McGrath


At the Start
May 4, 2003
JIM McGRATH, the driving force behind Timeform's internationally recognised ratings and punter-information service, is leaving after nearly 35 years with the Halifax-based firm.

I didnt follow english racing in the 80s but I think this guy has been completely overrated, he looks smart when you compare with John Francome, Alaister and company but I have not hear him anything of interest in 10 years.
I suppose his heart is no longer in it after the death of Reg Griffin
Good obit of him here btw in the Yorkshire Post

Do you think the TV producers are getting more ageist and lookist btw, with their choices of presenters? - they do seem to be sidelining quite a few of the 'middle-aged men in macs' brigade! - or trying to. Jim McG is certainly no oil painting. That's got nothing to do with Timeform though.

I can't say Jim is a tipster I follow much, though you'd think he would know his form!
Jim is really knowledgable but he`s one of those tipsters who seems to have an opinion on every horse and every race and I just think you need to specialise more nowadays. That`s why tipsters just aren`t worth following imo.
I always liked listening to what he had to say. I hears him recently on Betfair/Timeform radio and he was promoting the service and talking about years gone by in the Timeform towers. I'd never have thought at the time listening to him he was considering quitting.
Trust me, he's knowledgable enough not to need that job at Timeform looking at the information I'm privy to ;).

He says the odd good thing but he's an arrogant cock and his involvement in the Fallon debacle was sickening.
Just the way he behaved on The Morning Line the Saturday afterwards, he was basically arrogantly suggesting it was his belief that Fallon didn't ride those horses in any questionable way that bought the case down. No Jim, the case collapsed because the prosecution did a piss poor job of putting the case together and presenting the evidence.

I've got to be careful what I say and feel free to moderate me but if you believe Fallon rode all those horses in question on their merits and to the best of his ability then you need to reassess your race-reading skills.
I hope Jim McGrath has been poached to work for a higher purpose because he has the experience and intellect to do so , and racing could have no better ambassador .
He might be arrogant but I like that. I like the fact he speaks his mind. I can still remember him slating Richard Hills for his hold up ride on Storming Home (EVSf) when finishing second to Milan in the Great Voltigeur at York in 2001. He openly admitted before he made his case that he had backed Storming Home. I was only just really into racing a year at the time but it sticks in my mind. I see so much sitting on the fence punditry that has me reaching for a bucket on a weekly basis, Jim McGrath at the very least warrents your ear for a few minutes.
His resignation is an honourable one Since Timeform is now owned by Betfair. He’s always struck me as a bit self-satisfied. He had a go at me once when I complained that Godolphin horses tended to be overrated by Timeform in comparison with Ballydoyle… but we can’t blame him for that. He’s done a job at Timeform, but I always saw him as standing on the shoulders of those who went before him.