Jim McGrath

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[in-kom-pi-tuhnt] Show IPA

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: unskillful, unable

Synonyms: amateur, amateurish, awkward, bungling, bush-league, clumsy, disqualified, floundering, helpless, inadequate, incapable, ineffectual, inefficient, ineligible, inept, inexperienced, inexpert, insufficient, maladroit, not cut out for, not equal to, not have it , out to lunch, raw, unadapted, unequipped, unfit, unfitted, unhandy, uninitiated, unproficient, unqualified, unskilled, untrained, useless

Notes: incompetent means not qualified or showing lack of skill or aptitude; incontinent means lacking control over urination and defecation
Thought he was absolutely shocking today at Chepstow. Quicker he fucks off the better IMO
Thought he was absolutely shocking today at Chepstow. Quicker he fucks off the better IMO

Be careful Harry, there are ringleaders on here who will turn the population under their thumb against you if you speak your mind on issues.

Just a warning, it all starts off with making jokes in "jest" about you then it turns into a full scale democratic problem where you are now the root of all evil and thus said people are harmed and mentality distraught not just by your opinions but by your presence.

I think Jim McGrath should fuck off into retirement, the pace of the race moves too quick for his binocular lenses and the delay between what he sees to retreiving information and producing speach is too slow, inconsistant and unaccurate.

Harry, I wish you all the best after your comments.

I'm sure Krizon (The frowning witch), OTB (The troll leader), SteveM (Factory assistant), On The Bridle (Factory Assistant Jr.), Hamm (Cronicaly Depressed) will be along with their comments.
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Is this the man who considers himself a drink till I'm sick sort of person :lol: and goes around destroying birds :lol:

I fear your some sort of Sociopath who gets wierd kicks out of being controversial.....or as I put it above. Seek help. Im done with you.
Bruce's unfortunate condition can be recognised on here: http://www.bullyonline.org - simple attention-seeking behaviour due to a personality disorder. Probably low self-esteem, for whatever reason, which is why everyone bar him is wrong, everything everyone says bar him is inaccurate, everything he puts up on here is planned to get attention. Even negative attention is better than no attention, because it makes him feel self-important. Sorry about your emotional problem, Bruce, but you're on the wrong forum, among the wrong people, if you want your ego boosted.

(Even this posting will give him a twinge of gratification, as all he wants is to manipulate getting responses.) Bye, Brucey-baby, bye! :lol:
Bruce's unfortunate condition can be recognised on here: http://www.bullyonline.org - simple attention-seeking behaviour due to a personality disorder. Probably low self-esteem, for whatever reason, which is why everyone bar him is wrong, everything everyone says bar him is inaccurate, everything he puts up on here is planned to get attention. Even negative attention is better than no attention, because it makes him feel self-important. Sorry about your emotional problem, Bruce, but you're on the wrong forum, among the wrong people, if you want your ego boosted.

(Even this posting will give him a twinge of gratification, as all he wants is to manipulate getting responses.) Bye, Brucey-baby, bye! :lol:

You could apply the above definition to clivex and Hamm as well :-P
Must admit whatever anyone thinks of Bruces comments, they should be answered direct (as with anyones) rather than snidey remarks

If someone disagrees with anything they should put up or shut the fck up

"attention seeking' to some is simply someone who doesnt join the drab thought free consensus, whether its on racing or anything else
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Clivex, I've got to wonder why you bothered coming back on here? You were leaving in high dudgeon a few months ago, remember? If you think the forum is a drab thought-free consensus, you know what to expect and are surely just punishing yourself intellectually by visiting it. As for Bruce's description of Jim, wow! Shock horror! It's not as if Ardross hasn't bemoaned his performance a dozen times already - it's not fresh thinking, or new to the forum. In fact, you might say it goes along with the consensus of opinion of the man - which presumably makes it drab and thought-free.
Not everyone contributes nothing but snide personal remarks krizon. It is cliquey, we all know that and whatever anyone thinks of Bruce, hes quickly picked that up

and so what if ardross has picked it up before? does he have exclusive rights ? whats bruce supposed to do? Make sure he doesnt repeat what someone else says?
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Not everyone contributes nothing but snide personal remarks krizon. It is cliquey, we all know that and whatever anyone thinks of Bruce, hes quickly picked that up

and so what if ardross has picked it up before? does he have exclusive rights ?

Clive, don't drag yourself into a debate with this women it's one you can't win - she's very well connected with the people who run the site from what I gather and could have you chopped with a single e-mail (Inevitable it's going to happen to me sooner or later, shame as I thought I encouraged good debates)
Bruce..dont get paranoid. i know krizon and its not like that. Plenty would have loved to ban me and others before now and it doesnt happen>
Bruce - me, very well connected with the people who run this site?? You mean, I say hallo to Irish Stamp when we're at the same courses - he usually buys me a Cadbury's cream egg, but that's the only influence I have over one Mod on here! As for the site owner, I wouldn't know dvds if I fell over him.

I never ask to ban anyone - why would I? The folks who've made themselves obnoxious to others do that for themselves. I doubt you'll get banned, but you might get filed under 'Eccentric'. Like you've got me filed away as a frowning witch - not at all judgmental, right?

I've even met Clivex and we had quite a nice wee chat, too. I was a tad upset to find the Cadbury's cream egg he'd given me contained ricin, and he survived the arsenic-laced race card I gave him, but I feel our relationship is all the stronger for that...
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I'm inclined to think that anyone who can say "I have no sympathy for horses dieing (sic)" has no place on a racing forum (Bruce on Golden Silver's demise).

Posters like Bruce need attention as a fire needs oxygen. The best policy is therefore to simply ignore them (I'm aware I'm breaking this rule as I type).

Re Aussie Jim, it's clear he should have been pensioned off some time ago, but he is in keeping with the rest of the BBC's 'coverage'...
Nice post Jeremy :0

Ah, I'm sure you remember the kitten posts from the Other Place, Clive? I trundled them out whenever things were getting too vicious and some gentleness was required.

They last appeared on a thread regarding the whip debate, which quickly degenerated into the most bileous, personal, hate-ridden and thoroughly depressing thread I've ever come across there or elsewhere.

Animosity bad. Kittens good.


"Being nice is a political act" - Colin Clary.