Jockey killed in France


Senior Jockey
Jan 8, 2004
Shocking news from RP

France: The French racing community was in shock yesterday following the news that highly promising jump jockey Guillaume Javoy had died after a horrific fall at Le Pin-au-Haras on Sunday.
The 24-year-old had replaced another jockey on chance ride Kahyasia in the opening race of the meeting at the Normandy track, near the town of Argentan.
Another horse tried to run out Just before a hurdle about five furlongs into the race, forcing Kahyasia to put on the brakes in a violent manner.
After being thrown on to the running rail, Javoy was taken by helicopter to a hospital at Alencon after the racecourse medical team realised the serious nature of his injuries. He was then transferred to a hospital in Caen.
Javoy, who is attached to the powerful Francois Cottin stable, had 16 winners to his name this season.
"Guillaume was a very pleasant young man and a true professional," said Cottin. "He had been with me since the beginning of his career, which was far too short.I am devastated."
Tragic news - a terrible shock. Cantoris, I believe they're the same breakaways as we have here, but I wonder if he hit the much firmer, permanent railing which runs alongside anywhere where the public stands? That will give way under considerable pressure but it is much heavier-weight and therefore far less forgiving - it certainly doesn't bend, deform or break as the light 'tube' rails do. Other than that, he may have hit the posts which hold up the top rails. Inside are very stout posts of rebar - they hardly give at all, and jockeys take a terrific thump if they are punted off into them.
From the sounds of things he hit his head of the metal supports in the ground that hold up the rails.He had spent some time in Arthur Moores in Irland so I know a lot of people over there knew him well.His funeral is tomorrow in Paris.