John Best - innovative open days


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
He's a wee bit far for our lovely Irish contributors, but for those able to visit John Best's Scragged Oak Farm in Hucking, 15 minutes off J7 of the M20 at Maidstone, Kent, there will be an innovative series of open mornings restricted to only 20 guests at a time.

The first morning to kick off the show is Saturday, 2nd May, starting at 8.00, with horses working at 8.30. This is followed by a light breakfast and chat with John and his team at 9.30, a return to the gallops an hour later, and the morning winding up around 11.

If you'd like complimentary tickets for this or future open day tours, please e-mail They'd prefer not to get phone calls because of it taking up office time, but if your e-mail's on the fritz, try a FAX on 01622 880525. Should be fun!
My ability to put up smileys has failed, o/w there'd be the one with the nervously-rolling eyes, Mr. R! Don't worry, visitors won't be forcibly strapped onto squirly 2 y.o.'s - more's the pity, really, as some open days can be very tame...
Ohhhhh... d'uh! My poor old brain - I think Ardross has just made the same mistake on another forum, too, by asking if there'll be any boxing. Not to worry, Mr. R - I can't understand my posts a lot of the time, either!
Ooops - sorry Ma'am - must try harder, must try harder....

Sorry, just assumed they were all round there as Carol was interested and it would be because of proximity.