John Downey

South Africa showed that you can have peace and reconcilition.....or you can have justice......but that it's next to impossible to have both, and you ultimately have to choose one or the other.
I was about to post a similar comment to that of Grasshopper but he put it better than I was about to.

Your comment re Bloody Sunday is perhaps inadvertently identifying the reason for some being outraged. The soldiers are still liable to prosecution ( whether it would happen is a different question) but what has been revealed is that either secretly or without general public knowledge Republicans have been give immunity beyond the scope of the peace agreement.
Similar official immunity has not been given to any soldier or Unionist.

Going beyond the agreement and doing so surreptitiously for just one faction does not tally with an underlying principle of being even handed
I wonder if these letters were agreed upon a long time ago possibly even during the Good Friday agreement.
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It seems that **** up is the story rather than conspiracy here. Those letters were not meant to be sent to those still under investigation but Downey was sent one .
I cannot believe that the swear filter removes the word for a male chicken that crows in the morning !
The Northern Irish Secretary Peter Robinson didn't even know about this, but no conspiracy of sorts? A **** up you say? lol.

To any objective eye it looks underhand, and this view has absolutely nothing to do with any political belief I may or may not have, Ardross. An interesting story for investigative journalists to get their teeth stuck into possibly.
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i would like to see downey blown to bits. well perhaps mutilated first

but tout has it spot on. I also dont really believe it was a **** up. Agree marble. it is hardly a letter taht would be sent out like junk mail from an estate agent. It would have been totally checked out beforehand
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The Northern Irish Secretary Peter Robinson didn't even know about this, but no conspiracy of sorts? A **** up you say? lol.

To any objective eye it looks underhand, and this view has absolutely nothing to do with any political belief I may or may not have, Ardross. An interesting story for investigative journalists to get their teeth stuck into possibly.

Robinson is grandstanding in typical DUP fashion. It may well be that the amnesty was granted before the DUP finally joined the peace process .
stupid comment

i dont like those that plant bombs in hyde park. whoever they are.

but maybe you do
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Go to bed. Its late for you

but if you want to believe that downey and the hyde park bombings are representitive of "ireland" then that says a lot doesnt it?
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Clive, what are your thoughts on the British army soldiers from Bloody Sunday, would you also want them 'blown to pieces'?
They were out of order but were probably fired upon. Should be prosecuted and more should have been done at the time

But those that want that will have to believe that the bombers should be prosecuted too. .and those that order the execution of a single mother of 11 kids
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Out of order? Interesting turn of phrase to describe a massacre.

How do you know Downey to be guilty? Have you seen much of the evidence?
Fingerprints on the car. Big case they reckon

Ok if he is guilty...blah blah blah

But you should accept that if scum like that goes free then bloody sunday should be dropped.