Julia Tooth


At the Start
Jul 22, 2005
Very sad news going around Lambourn tonight that Julia Tooth has lost her battle with Cancer and past away in the early hours of this morning.

Her father Raymond Tooth is the owner of Punjabi and has supported her training activities for the past few years. Thoughts go out to her partner Paul Fitzsimon's.
Shocking news Flame - only days after Lucy Normile's husband Alan lost his battle with cancer :(

That's a bolt from the blue - ran into Alan in the Arkle Bar at Cheltenham in April last year and had a good chat. Had no idea he was ill at all. Didn't know Ms Tooth, but obviously very sad news.
I didn't know she was ill, Flame. Crumbs - saw her fairly recently and although she looked tired, didn't realise she was under the cosh of the Big C. Terribly sad. She was a nice soul to talk to, although I know one or two people close to her father thought that she was heavily propped up by him. He is a very top London divorce lawyer, should anyone require his services.
So very sad - so tragic for her parents to lose their daughter - unnatural to survive your offspring.

Can't imagine anything worse.
Indeed, it's hard to believe that with the things they can do nowadays, people so young can be lost and so quickly. Very sad, and the RP reports that she was very much looking forward to the 2011 season with some nice youngsters on board. RIP.
She had to have gone very fast, surely? I'm sure I saw her at a course only last month. She seemed very nice, quite diffident, concerned about her horses, always slightly amazed when they did nicely and always delighted when you noted they had and congratulated her. Poor wee soul.
Very sad news, fun and talented lady.

We saw her in Lambourn at the Open Day. She was quieter than usual and as said looked tired. But was cheerful, I had no idea she was ill. She loved racing and although some might say her Father propped her up - well why the Hell not? What is wrong with spending your money on your kids so they can pursue their careers? He adored her and will be just devastated to have lost her so young.

Cancer is such a killer, so many die from it. Having had it I've done a lot of research on the subject and really it seems the detection rate is low and the timescale before diagnosis is long. Some of the treatments are almost worse than the disease but if caught early most types can be arrested. All I can say is if anyone thinks anything is wrong, no matter how scared you are, get to a doctor quickly and insist they do all the tests - and get a second opinuon. We've only one life.