just what it is a bit of fun


At the Start
Oct 19, 2015
gigilo mentioned yesterday I had not posted yet; reason being the ability to post a constructive & winning dialogue on horses is a impossibility for me I am bottom of the H.L. & gigilo top of the P.L.
Scanning the horses tonight my little memory was acute for a change; I looked back into old horse-racing notes found 4 to follow from the 14/15 season :-
Lin 1.50
Pool House has digressed a lot but the champ may get him to last home wishful thinking

Lin 2.25
Royal Rettie change of stable & racing during daylight may help to improve his effort w...t...again

Kem 6.10
Niceofyoutotellme drop in trip may help him going RH'd certainly will hopeful

Kem 7.40
Newtown Cross jockey renews acquaintance with him & if in the mood may try a little w..t..

thats my L15 ew to bobs tomorrow & may well be my 1st & last post! wondering gigilo have I perused you're notes of long ago!! they are my follow over a cliff horses for me