Justice at last for the Spindles Farm horses


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
Excellent news that today, after the longest animal welfare trial in history, the unspeakable 'thing', James Gray of Spindles Farm, Amersham, has been sentenced to 26 weeks jail time and banned for life from owning or keeping equines. The rest of his poxy family are banned for ten years.

As some of us might recall, 31 horses, ponies and donkeys died of dehydration, starvation, and illness at Spindles Farm, while a further 100 were removed in various stages of the same, back in January 2008. World Horse Welfare took on 11 at a rehab cost of £112,000, but pictures of the animals show them looking shiny and very, very healthy.

It's a shame that the farm wasn't sold to meet the costs of the charities responsible for bringing the survivors back to full, or better, health. But at least a message has been sent that this sort of disgusting behaviour won't be tolerated.
How can the owners of such animals let that happen, and to such a horrifying degree?

Most animals will let you know when they are hungry, so that is generally a good signal to feed them.

How can people look at these animals every day and not realise that when the ribs are showing/feet are cracked/animals are so lame that they hobble etc that they should be doing something?

As someone who has the vet in for anything that I can't doctor myself (and believe me, I notice every little scratch and bite on my feisty little stray), I cannot understand the mentality of someone obtaining so many animals and then just leaving them to starve or die of thirst.

As you say, it is a pity that they do not have the power to seize property to pay the charities who have to do the work of restoring both the health and trust of these poor animals.
"Common for horses to drop down dead" - unbelievable tosh. I hope his life is full of misery from now on.
First you have to find him. With a £400 K bill for court costs ( goes to the lawyers presumably ) and a jail sentence don`t think we will be seeing him for a while. Farm will be sold and the lawyers share the cash . I know the farm well,used to be a pick your own farm.