Kim Jong-Un


At the Start
Jun 12, 2005
Kim Jong-Un visiting an orphanage yesterday -- but some brave individual made this an opportunity to take the p1ss out of him.
(He/she has probably been shot dead by now).

Can you spot what it is he/she did in arranging the room to belittle and insult the Dear Leader?
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Nice one. He recently executed about 40 people for watching Chinese tv. Be careful though. I'm sure he has his admirers here
Given that he's in an orphanage I think he's talking to one of the children

"I used to know your parents"

I wonder if anyone was brave enough to ask him to put the cigarette out?

He's basically a mad medieval monarch from the Ivan the Terrible school, but apparently has a soft spot for Eric Clapton
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Given that he's in an orphanage I think he's talking to one of the children
Aye, he could well be.
But notice the fluffy toys on the cupboard-top. In a compromising position.
The cat ( catemite?) is wearing a satisfied grin and giving a saucy wink; the animal behind has a leery smug look on his face.
Clive spotted it straight-off, but, then, Clive is astute enough to notice things that most of us don't.

(Or maybe it's just that Clive has a filthy mind!) :rolleyes:
But notice the fluffy toys on the cupboard-top. In a compromising position.

I think most people would have spotted it. Hell you could even walk in the room and see it straight away. Pretty obvious. Not sure what you wanted us to do though? Answer on a postcard or something? Not sure I'd be giving Clive too much credit for spotting the birghtest coloured thing in the room myself. But then I won't give Clive too much credit for anything
Dig that short-back-and-sides: 1920s Birmingham is alive, well and quite probably a lot more violent in North Korea than the BBC would care to portray in their insipid, obviously family-orientated serialization of those colourful characters frequenting racecourses when the world was black-and-white

However you can tell Kim had a first-class education in Europe: he does remove his flat cap when invited in to a residence, though try as Switzerland did: you can take the scum out of the slum but you can't take the slum out of the scum - he forgot his comb
I think most people would have spotted it. Hell you could even walk in the room and see it straight away. Pretty obvious. Not sure what you wanted us to do though? Answer on a postcard or something? Not sure I'd be giving Clive too much credit for spotting the birghtest coloured thing in the room myself. But then I won't give Clive too much credit for anything


well I certainly wouldn't give you credit. Cash up front only