A few of you will be familiar with the story of our much loved but frequently afflicted cat . She's only just getting over the broken leg from last year and we took her back for a 6 month check up yesterday . The vet found a benign thyroid tumour which explains how she's lost so much weight recently but she's afraid that she might have a tumour on her liver because she's been really picky at her food although she eats well when she finally makes her mind up . Apparently the thyroid problem would be making her queasy and could put her off her food too so we have to wait till Friday for the test results to see how large the levels of the hormone are and to get a scan done on her liver . That was a nice birthday message . We only took her down to show the vet how well she was doing on her leg and tpo get her signed of but it's better that she found this out now I suppose .