
Colin Phillips

At the Start
Dec 22, 2003
Talbot Green
I thought this LITTLE mare put in a very game effort at Warwick yesterday.

Sorry 'bout that Shads, couldn't resist.

Seriously though it was a very game effort, I thought she was beaten coming into the straight but she fought back well.

That feckin' huge thing, Mad Max, won again at Newbury yesterday, but he looked to have quite a hard race.
Why should that bother me Colin?!

Anyone with eyes in their head knows the mare is anything but small!! She is a very nice mare, as I said all those months ago....

As for Mad Max, I was very impressed with him on his debut (lest anyone should accuse me of aftertiming I also said as much at the time) and he looks a lovely prospect. I'm not so sure the race he had was that hard in the end; he looked to be making heavy weather of it at one point but then he fairly p*ssed up.
Oh! dear, has one had a bad day?

I was complimenting your view of the mare, Shads, the size thing was just a throwaway comment, as I'm sure you know.

She was very game.
No, I was taking the p*ss!!

Whassup, is it a requirement nowadays to put incessant smilies in posts in order to indicate that one isn't having a go?! :dork:
I was looking at her at a 3 figure price for the Arkle a couple of weks ago but thought she must be injured if she was that kind of price.I thought the second made an excellent debut yesterday and it will be interesting to see if he is aimed at the Arkle.
Judging by the way she was shouting Kruguyrova home in the betting hall at Newbury I suspect she was pretty pleased with the performance!

I came over to say hello Dom, but you fairly scooted out to the front of the stands to presumably collect your winnings so I didn't get a chance to say hello!
Sorry Maruco, I didn't see you! I was rushing out again to meet up with more people and was utterly bemused by the confused idiots in front of me asking me what I was cheering home as they hadn't realised that the next race had been run already............they couldn't seem to comprehend that I was shouting for a race at Warwick - blank looks all round!
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Feb 11 2008, 07:34 PM
Sorry Maruco, I didn't see you! I was rushing out again to meet up with more people and was utterly bemused by the confused idiots in front of me asking me what I was cheering home as they hadn't realised that the next race had been run already............they couldn't seem to comprehend that I was shouting for a race at Warwick - blank looks all round!
In fairness, they probably weren't so much confused as frightened. You can have that affect....
Ah, that'll explain things - was it me that frightened you into disappearing then the other night?!?! :laughing: