ladbrokes ad campaign banned

uncle goober

At the Start
Oct 10, 2005
I detest Ladbrokes but I had to feel for them a little when their series of three ads that formed a campaign for was pulled by the ASA on the grounds of a suggested link between gambling and risk-taking behaviour and/or thrill seeking, after ONE complaint was recieved.

I think the bookmakers are not being particularly fairly treated by the ASA alongside other life-damaging products such as alcoholic drinks and cars when it comes to advertising campaigns. There was a similar ad pulled after the ASA recieved FOUR complaints, and there have been several other ads banned because it seems any ad for gambling is percieved as saying, 'bet with us and you will achieve a fantastic lifestyle with no risk of dying a penniless,homeless,friendless death in a gutter'

I am sure there are plenty of ads out there for alcohol and cars that dont spell out the fact that horrendous gruesome death is just around the corner if you arent careful. But hey, hang out with these hot chicks and 'drink responsibly'.

On the other hand, anything that makes bookmakers squeal makes me smile.