
Turtle's fan

At the Start
Jan 11, 2010
Outer London
I would quite like to go to Lambourn's open day on Good Friday but can't work out if it's near a train station? Does anyone know, please? Travelling out of London.
I'm sure one of the locals would know but I would have thought that Hungerford would be about as close as you can get (about 10 miles away).
Hungerford is nearest , go through Reading. I think its a little closer than 10 miles maybe 6. i'm hoping to make a reappearence for he occasion its nearly 3 years since iv been and never thought i'd her myself say it but i miss the place!!!!
Beautiful area - I don't think there's a dud view anywhere round there. Hungerford's a lovely wee place - stayed in Kintbury for a week many years ago, and thought it was charming. Great tea shop by the river!
Thanks everyone. Extremely helpful. Those that intend going: could have a wee dram somewhere?

walsworth: very kind and thanks but we can get a taxi from Hungerford. I couldn't work out nearest station. If you are going all to the merrier.
When i worked in Lambourn n visited home up north i always got the train 2 and from Swindon
When i worked in Lambourn n visited home up north i always got the train 2 and from Swindon

But hes coming from London, so would seem silly going to swindon to go to Lambourn, especially as it would take about 3 hours to get to swindon from Reading!! Swindon would be 20 mins:whistle: drive Hungerford around 10mins. As long as i find somewhere to stay i'm thinking a visit will do me good..... is the Lamb still shut? I don't fancy going near the Malt:rolleyes:
But hes coming from London, so would seem silly going to swindon to go to Lambourn, especially as it would take about 3 hours to get to swindon from Reading!! Swindon would be 20 mins:whistle: drive Hungerford around 10mins. As long as i find somewhere to stay i'm thinking a visit will do me good..... is the Lamb still shut? I don't fancy going near the Malt:rolleyes:

I had worked it out. But the thought was there :) and I am very greatful for everyone's help.