

At the Start
Jun 2, 2003
I've just become the owner of a new laptop. I'm wanting to connect to the internet with it but am I right in thinking that to have my laptop and main PC connected via the same account I have to go wireless? And, if I do, can anyone recommend a decent ISP that won't charge me the earth for one of those wireles things I need?

Secondly, how do I connect to a printer. I don't seem to have anywhere for my printer cable to go in, do I need a different cable?
To connect more than one device to a single connection you need a router (Wired or wireless up to you) and a network card in each machine (similarly wired or wireless as you choose above. If you are not confident enough to install the cards then you might consider buying a wireless router and then two USB wireless "dongles". A slight dip in performance, but no screwdriver necessary. I wouldn't look at doing this through an ISP unless you are looking at changing ISPs and one has an offer-on, otherwise just buy a cheap router and cards/dongle off ebay or from one of the many e-tailers. Belkin and Netgear are names to look out for.

Presuming that you don't want to connect to your printer wirelessly as well then yes, you will need to buy a new USB (your laptop will certainly have these) cable from your printer manufacturer (or wherever you can find one), or alternatively look for a USB to Parallel Printer Converter.

Edit: Oh I should have said the network cards that you would need would be 1 x PCI card for the Desktop and 1 x PC Card for the laptop - regardless of whether you go wired or wireless.
Thank you betsmate. I think I will go the wireless router route, as you can doubtless tell from my original post I have less technical knowhow than a zebra. Taking a screwdriver to my precious new laptop would not be a good idea. However, taking a hammer to my old PC may be. :angy: Whilst you are being so helpful may I also ask what a 'dongle' is? :blink: I am in the process of changing ISP, virgin are offering a router for £70, is this cheap, average, expensive?
To be fair, you would only need a screwdriver for the Desktop - a PC Card just slots straight into the side of a laptop.

A dongle is like a little key-fob that plugs into a USB port: here is one and allows the device to connect with a wireless router.

£70 isn't ridiculous, but perhaps a little on the pricey side - it depends on what spec it is and what else comes with it - I have picked up Netgear's and Belkin's on ebay for £30 - £40 new before.

One other thing to watch is there are lots of different wireless technologies floating around so make sure all of the components that you buy are compatible with each other. If I was you I would make sure that they are all 54 or 108 Mpbs (choose one for all components) and 802.11g compatible.
If the laptop is new, chances are that it has a wifi card installed already. If you go "wireless", you don't need a new cable for the printer, you can just leave it connected to the old pc and print from the laptop as long as the other pc is switched on.

DO NOT buy a Netgear wireless router. Far too much grief.
Really? no problems with any of the ones I have installed, but if that is the case go for something else.