Liam Roche quits.


Senior Jockey
Jan 8, 2004
From the RP site yesterday:

Interesting to know whats gone on here!
Uncertainty at Penser yard after trainer quits

By Graham Green7.13PM 20 MAY2009
THE future of Erik Penser's Churn Stables in Oxfordshire is up in the air again, following Liam Roche's decision to quit after only six months, during which time he has been unable to saddle a runner after failing to persuade the BHA to grant him a licence.
The former Curragh-based trainer's problems were compounded last week when he contacted police over the alleged theft of one of hishorses, Espero, a three-year-old son of Celtic Swing who ran twice in Ireland last autumn.
Gerard Butler seemed in good heart on RUK yesterday and was keen to talk up the contribution Erik Penser has made to British racing and whatnot, I'd hazard a guess his yard is bigger than this but would he possibly be a benficiary of the fallout here?
Sounds like there was some trouble with his Billyford and that horses owner. horse went to sale sbut think he was withdrawn. all a bit strange but I'd hazard a guess it has something to do with unpaid training fees or something similar.
Don't know much about him but I did notice he was very hard on his horses in his first Season. None look to have trained on.
if someone without a licence 'quits' surely its a non story about a non trainer. Maybe he has a trail of debt or something.
Which is odd that he came over here in the first place and rented a very expensive yard. Penser didn't replace Butler with Roche as far as I'm aware did he? He still has his horses with Butler but they are in Newmarket and the yard at Blewbury was on the rental market for some time. Roche had plenty of staff adverts in the RP inc. Head Lad and Assistant which at the time I thought strange as you would have expected him to have had them in place already. And would it not have been sensible to have checked out the likelihood of getting your licence with the BHA BEFORE you took over the lease? Curious....?

The yard is surrounded by rapeseed fields in full bloom at this time of the year which is not good for the horses respiration - many get allergies at this time.
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No sadly its just a rented yard - Penser doesn't employ a salaried trainer any more and to be honest I'm not over keen on the neighbours!!
A number of Channon's main Irish lads went to Roche when he came over, and can say many left quickly stating he wasn't the ideal boss. No surprises to see him leave.