Lingfiled Frozen Track: Abandoned.

Donny are re checking again at half 10 i think the OH said - but parts are still frozen - dont know if they are hoping for a flash heatwave between 9.15 and then - but really cant see them racing either - bugger really,long old jot for them from Lambourn to Doncaster, they left at half 5 !!
Back half an hour ago, and taking comfort from a cuppa and a Krispy Kreme donut! Yup, Soary, it'll be on with trying to tie up all the bits and bobs that seem to take forever before I move next month. Interrupted by ATR and Ch.4, of course!

We all turned up as no news on the 8.45 inspection before any of us left home, had our day's briefing and set about the excellent brekkies in the stable canteen, then heard there'd be another inspection, which didn't take but a moment to decide it was all off. One of the lads reported that the parts of the track where the sun hadn't yet got to weren't just frosty, but frozen solid into the ground. I was surprised that there were no signs of frost on the run in until getting to around five miles outside the area, where it built up steadily to a really frosted Lingfield village and surrounds. It obviously must stand that much higher than neighbouring Sussex, and it does pay the price now and then in winter.

My real sympathies are with all the medical, camera, and stable staff in particular - one box had left home at 6.30, the stable staff rising at 4.30, facing a 2.5-hour drive back home after brekkie. There was also good hospitality take-up and pre-Christmas lunches which now won't add to the course's 2011 income. Big shame, as I was looking forward to seeing a few races today as I can schedule doing relief breaks for other staff around them!

Anyway, Donny is 'go', so some horses will be earning their oats today!
thats the problem isnt it Kri - its the staff I feel most sorry for - Im glad Donny is on after all, I know its selfish, but mostly because they had to muck out before they went,so would have been up and out at around 4am.... hopefully they will come home with a winner or two and all safe and sound to make it worthwhile.

Its a nightmare for everyone when they have to inspect, but it does make me cross when they go through the "we'll give it another hour and see" routine.

I actually got to Lingfield with Mr Stodge Senior before we saw the racing was abandoned. I had a bad feeling as we encountered little traffic on the road down from Crowhurst and the empty car park told the final story.

In what has been a mild start to winter, Lingfield was unlucky to catch the first severe frost of the year. Last year, they called off the NH meeting very early and by the Saturday, the track looked ok but they had substituted an AW fixture.

Not sure what else the track could have done and it must be a disappointment to all as it's the premier NH fixture of the winter though it's a meeting that has been all too frequently lost.
It's no good asking to carpet a mile and a half of track, either, or even just the take-off and landing points. The first, due to the extraordinary cost involved - it's thousands of pounds and the gate uptake for the day was really not outstanding. The second, because lots of parts of the racing parts of the track were frozen hard, right into the ground. Big shame for the course, because there were some top trainers represented.