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Little Bit Of Help Please?


Dormant account
Jun 6, 2005
I've been lumbered with the job of trying to prepare an economic development apparaisal of the impact of the Olympics on Oxford (actually its not a bad job given some of the turgid stuff that comes my way - and I'm wondering whether I can bend any foreign travel into a strategy etc?) anyway I'm looking for nominations for sports people of profile who have an Oxfordshire connection who might be prepared to lend their name to something in the name of sports tourism etc

I've got Pinsent, Henman and Bannister, though I think the former is probably tied to the wider olympic industry and might be precluded from engaging in these regional preferences etc I'm aware that there's a whole host of cricketers who've passed through Oxford, but they probably don't count. Any foreign athletes or sporting notables (preferably Americans!!!) who studied in Oxford migth be useful?

A lot of the F1 drivers live in or around Banbury/Brackley.

Should probably say they have homes in Oxfordshire, as they live all over the world!!

Also quite a few NH Jocks but they probably won't be of interest to Americans
Thanx folks,

The Penny fella is one I'd half heard of, and I believe it to be a far from silly suggestion, (even if he means nothing to me) as BtB says its not a bad angle at all for accessing a certain niche market

Think we'll pass on Archer though Brian!!! There's some suggestion he went to Brasenose, but they can only find records to suggest he was there for about 8 weeks or something like that as I understand it? Allegedly?

University alumni is the best bet I suppose?

I reckon the benefits of the Olympics are probably being over hyped to be honest with most of it likely to impact on the London area exclusievly, although I'd have thought I might be able to persuade them to route the torch through Oxford? quick spin round Ifley Road running track would seem to be appropriate, given its historical place in Athletics, (wonder if Sir Rodge is available to tootle around with it?) possibly get some rowing eight to take it down the Cherwell?.

I half expect an Olympic Consultancy industry to spring up in the next year or two with various Local Authorities and Development Agencies paying shed loads of retainers to dubiously qualified charalatans promising to be able secure access to all and sundry along similar lines
There are 2 great universities in England - Cambridge and Hull.
Lord Archer of Weston-Super-Mare, as we can call him because, unlike Lester's OBE, they are unable to take his title away, gained a place at Brasenose College, Oxford to study for a one-year diploma in education, though he eventually stayed there for three years. This doesn't justify his claim to be an Oxford graduate. He doesn't even have any A levels.

While he was at Oxford he did compete successfully at a decent level in 100 yards and 200 yards sprinting and in the high hurdles. Being Jeffrey, he claimed to have been on the GB Olympic team, which he wasn't, though he may have had trials. He did run against Ming Campbell, who was an Olympic athlete.

But then, among many other things, he once said that his father had been Viceroy of Brunei. Not only was this untrue, but Brunei has never had a Viceroy. Jeffrey's father, William, was a journalist in Weston. Jeffrey was a member of the DCM League, which you can only join of you or a close relitave holds the Distinguished Conduct Medal. When asked, Jeffrey said "I rarely talk about my father and his DCM". Maybe that's because his father didn't win the DCM. A William Archer did, but a completely different William Archer.

Good old Jeffrey - the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Originally posted by BrianH@May 26 2006, 10:09 AM
He did run against Ming Campbell
apologies if I have ranted about this before but (and further apologies for thread hijacking - it's only a temporary diversion and you will reach your destination if you comply with our wishes, praise Allah)......

At precisely what point did Menzies Campbell become Ming Campbell (as he is now referred to in many, but not all, media sources)?

Was it the point where it was discovered that most people can't say Menzies properly (mingiss) and rather than be fed up hearing his name mis-pronounced he just decided to shorten it or is there some other explanation?
Originally posted by Colin Phillips@May 26 2006, 10:28 AM
Why should Menzies be pronounced "mingiss"?........... seems rather perverse. :confused:
Presumably for the same reason that Milngavie is pronounced Mulgiy or Kilncadzow is pronounced Kilcagie. I'm sure there are many examples south of the border as well - one is on the tip of my tongue (most of the West Midlands would probably qualify if only by virtue of the fact that their inhabitants have difficulty saying anything very much).

Quite what that reason should be I know not, although I can say that, as a child, I was regularly sent down to John Mingiss for a newspaper.

Southend - Saafend.

Re, Archer. Did anyone see that C4 documentary after he was jailed where they found some clown of a psychologist to say that Archer washing his hair every day after a workout at the local gymn exhibited "classical psychotic behaviour". :lol:
Plenty around the Midlands, simmo. The most famous is Wolverhampton, pronounced "Wottadump" by non-Midlanders.
Reminds of a Billy Connolly gag....

"Honest.....for years I actually thought the feckin place was called Partick Thistle nil"