Live 8


At the Start
May 9, 2005
Good idea? Antbody going to go?

London - Hyde Park

Mariah Carey
Elton John
Annie Lennox
Paul MacCartney
Snoop Doggy Dog
Joss Stone
Scissor Sisters
Robbie Williams
I want to go and I will be texting furiously on Monday morning in an attempt to acquire a ticket or two. Mr Griffin doesn't want to go, and my parents said they'd rather watch it on TV so I'm a billynomates and if I do get a ticket I'll be on the look out for a travelling companion :D
Originally posted by Singspiel@May 31 2005, 03:19 PM
Good idea? Antbody going to go?

London - Hyde Park

Mariah Carey

Elton John
Annie Lennox

Joss Stone

Robbie Williams
Er no...i`d rather cut my balls off with a pair of rusty scissors. As a fresh faced 18 year old in 1985 i loved Live Aid even though i hated most of the bands. Now as a cynical middle-aged know it all i cannot handle seeing self-satisfied vermin like Elton John and Sting.
Can't well all just protest at the G8 in Scotland instead?

Would be simpler and if we all put a pound in a box for Africa at a charity shop or filled in the Christian Aid form and put some money in that given it was recently Christian Aid week I'm sure we'd raise a similar amount of money without having to promote the new Elton John album.
Originally posted by Euronymous@May 31 2005, 10:16 PM
i cannot handle seeing self-satisfied vermin like Elton John and Sting.
Is it possible that Euronymous are self satisfied in their own way? Are they vermin?

I can't say that I like Elton John or Sting's music, and whilst I haven't heard anything by your namesake, but I reckon I'm on fairly safe ground to say that I wouldn't like that either.
Originally posted by Wassermusik@Jun 1 2005, 08:42 AM
i thought it is free.
do you need tickets?
It is free, Wasser, but the numbers are restricted to 150,000 for safety reasons. So you have to apply for tickets. Applications will be dealt with from 8.00 am on Monday. It is expected that millions will apply. They will not, apparently, include Euronymous.
With the millions of ££ they give away to a huge number of charities, the charity concerts they play without taking a fee, and the high profile their charities receive because of their efforts, Euro, they've done a feck more for the benefit of humankind than I suspect you've managed or ever will. How big a percentage of your salary and betting wins do YOU donate to help others?

You mightn't like certain people's music, but I think terming them 'vermin' is despicable, tasteless, and entirely inapplicable. It might also be libellous as it's in public print, so be careful where you throw your remarks around.
Well, sort of - on Monday they'll announce a multiple choice quiz question (you can guarantee it will be one of those dead simple ones (eg "Which number is being used in the title of Live 8? (i) 2 (ii) 4 (iii) 6 (iv) 8") This gets round the Lotteries Act and it's why radio and TV stations set such obvious quizzes.

You then text in the answer at a cost of £1.50 plus your phone service supplier's normal text charge. 145,000 tickets will be won by the lucky participants.

The Prince's Trust, which, in conjunction with Capital Radio, was to hold its annual Party in the Park, has scrapped it and Live 8 will donate £1.6m to the Prince's Trust and to Capital Radio's "Help A London Child". The money will come from the proceeds of the text messages. Any excess will go towards the cost of staging the event.
Hey, that's interesting - I always got 'Move Over, Darling' sung to me. Just before the crash of a body onto the bedroom floor...
Heard a very interesting discussion y'day on PM (r4) from some famous Irish painter who's name escapes me but the gist was he didn't think Live8 was that useful - being of the opinion that so little of the money actually ever gets to the intended targets - merely fattening the bank balances of the few corrupts in power. As he rightly pointed out, Africa as a continent is - or should be - an extremely wealthy country - its resources are enormous.

His take on the a lot of people's attitude of "even if only a small % of the money raised gets to the right people it's a good thing" was interesting, as he maintains the reverse is true - you merely perpetuate the existing corrupt infrastructures by doing so.

On balance, I prefer to continue to support a few smaller 'niche' charities such as Farm Africa, where I believe (I hope no one is going to disillusion me - BRIAN :angry: ) my hard-earned actually gets used in a positive, constructive way and follows the concept of helping those to help themselves.
If the stars dug into their own large pockets then they would probably raise more money than from us paupers.
Who says they don't already Singspiel?

Geldof and co are not saying a rock concert is going to solve the issue of Africia but continue to shine the light on the issue. No amount of money splashed at Africa will help in the long term. Geldof is pushing Blair (who is probably genuine in his desires to seriously tackle the issue) and co to set out a plan/agenda to really face the issue. Throwing money at dictatorships and corupt governments will not help the problem.
Charitable orgs are top heavy with management and the majority of donations are lost to admin etc.
I frequent Asia for most of every Winter and The corruption is rife, I paid protection money every month for 5 years to the local 'brown coats' as did every other business except the ones run by the police.

To everyone who put their coins in the bucket for the recent Tsunami, very little reached its intended cause especially in Sri Lanka.

Hugh containers of clothes are sent from the US to Vietnam and Cambodia and it ends up with businessmen who are in with the establishment, who have warehouses at the border points, there it is graded and sorted into job lot bags and sold at local markets by smaller businesses.
Originally posted by simmo+Jun 1 2005, 09:05 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (simmo @ Jun 1 2005, 09:05 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Euronymous@May 31 2005, 10:16 PM
i cannot handle seeing self-satisfied vermin like Elton John and Sting.
Is it possible that Euronymous are self satisfied in their own way? Are they vermin?

I can't say that I like Elton John or Sting's music, and whilst I haven't heard anything by your namesake, but I reckon I'm on fairly safe ground to say that I wouldn't like that either. [/b][/quote]
The guy i take my username from was murdered in 1993. No i doubt you`d like his stuff - but he was less interested in joining the mainstream and appealing to radio stations than he was the music he wrote/performed.
For those who don't know, Euronymous was the lead guitarist with Norwegian Black Metal band Mayhem. The members of Mayhem practised satanism (or their PR company said they did, or both). Their first ever release was entitled "Pure Fucking Armageddon".

A member of the band named Dead killed himself and later another member called Count Grichnackh murdered Euronymous.

All the above - and more - is true. Each to his own.
Originally posted by BrianH@Jun 1 2005, 06:44 PM
For those who don't know, Euronymous was the lead guitarist with Norwegian Black Metal band Mayhem.  The members of Mayhem practised satanism (or their PR company said they did, or both).  Their first ever release was entitled "Pure Fucking Armageddon".

A member of the band named Dead killed himself and later another member called Count Grichnackh murdered Euronymous. 

All the above - and more - is true.  Each to his own.
Pretty much true yes. Although "Pure fking Armageddon" was only a demo and Varg Vikernes (Grichnackh`s name now) was never a member of the band, he just filled in on bass from time to time.

The satanism bit is nonsense...Black Metal is anti-christian music and the acts some of these BM musicians undertook (church burning being the most infamous) were done more in homage to Odin than Satan..a christian creation in any case.
Musical differences can be a bitch.

On the subject of Live 8, I was under the impression that it wasn't primarily intended to raise money, but to create a massive focus of publicity on the situation in Africa. Am I wrong?
Our city council built a hugh screen in the city centre and apparently Live 8 is to be shown which will pack and close off the whole city centre, all totally free.