For the last two evenings, I've tried to log on, but the taskbar has shown two little computers bouncing a little ball between them, with a notice popping up to say there's no Local Area Connection, you won't get onto the Internet, so sod off. It tells me to speak to my Network Administrator - which is me, and having consulted myself, I haven't given myself a satisfactory reply.
I got through to the Microsoft Help & Support - overriding MacAfee's 'Suspicious Scripting!' note that pops up every time I try to use it - and followed the instruction to check out the Network Adapter and Driver, all of which was okay.
What DOES work, but is incredibly boring to keep doing - is the usual trick of switching off the set-top box, shutting down the computer, reading a short novel, and then switching it back on. That seems to clear the LAC problem. But ze question is - wot is happening, and is there a quick, or even simple, way to stop the nonsense?
Any help will be gratefully received!
I got through to the Microsoft Help & Support - overriding MacAfee's 'Suspicious Scripting!' note that pops up every time I try to use it - and followed the instruction to check out the Network Adapter and Driver, all of which was okay.
What DOES work, but is incredibly boring to keep doing - is the usual trick of switching off the set-top box, shutting down the computer, reading a short novel, and then switching it back on. That seems to clear the LAC problem. But ze question is - wot is happening, and is there a quick, or even simple, way to stop the nonsense?
Any help will be gratefully received!