Look for the phantom plait: horse-nappers about


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
I've been told today that horse-napping has been taking place in Surrey. A couple of good animals nicked from their fields, and the theft of an Appaloosa thwarted, due to the owner being alerted to the thieves' modus operandi. Which is to slide into the field or yard unnoticed and put a small plait into the mane, under the top hairs, where it wouldn't show up on cursory inspection. The man with the van is then told where to go, and the horse to nick has the hidden plait.

This is proper info, as the colleague with whom I most frequently work at Lingfield disturbed (with the help of her five Jack Russells) a man sculling round the stables she has on her land at Lingfield. She feels he was probably going to suss the animals for a possible nab. It's worth telling all friends who own horses in Surrey and adjoining counties that a horse-napping gang is about, and to check their horses' manes for phantom plaits. Please pass on as appropriate. Thanks.
This has been a much discussed subject on the Horse & Hound forum. I’ve posted several threads below and there are more still.





I do think many being reported more recently may simply be wind tangles, especially considering the stories coming to light but, bloody hell, how unnerving it is to have someone strolling around your yard.
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I've now been told that horses have been kidnapped from Dorset, Hampshire, and the Blackdown Hills, so it does seem to be spreading if they're now raiding Surrey.
We also have had horses stolen around the wirral, cheshire area...including mares with foals afoot. also trailers and other horsey equipment. Same as what Kri has mentioned a small plait in the mane..Merseyside & cheshire police are aware of the theft & also attempted theft of horses in these areas.We also have Horsewatch who have lots of details about horses stolen who liase with similar groups around the country...