

On a break
May 2, 2003
Did anyone watch the end of Series 1? I was hugely disappointed in it. Am I alone in this opinion?
Fuming - I just hope its not going to go the same way as Twin Peaks that I stuck with and just ended up so weird.

I have to say I was so pissed off - I became a very sad person and looked up on the Lost forum to find out what may happen next series. Loads of supposed "spoiler" threads - not sure how many I believe as some just sound very strange. Some confirmed my suspicions though as to future story lines. At least I know whats in the hatch!
I wasn't disappointed. It was bound to leave you hanging on a few nailbiters. You get the sense it will get even more far fetched but I'm all for that - the more nonsense, the better.
A friend has the first 10 episodes of Series 2 on DVD from the US - I'm not sure I can resist borrowing it.
Originally posted by jinnyj@Jan 14 2006, 06:46 PM
I have to say I was so pissed off
Mrs Caj got a friend of hers to send a really nice 'Lost' box dvd set over from New York as a Chrimbo prezzie for me. Thought we could steal a march on everyone else... Wrong region! Thats pissed off JinnyJ :shy:
The season finale was on here a good while ago now and I thought it was good but disappointing at the end. The season opener is meant to be fantastic.

Someone mentioned Desperate Housewives on another thread, the first two episodes have already been aired on RTE and I thought they were very good as well.
Originally posted by Galileo@Jan 14 2006, 09:28 PM
Someone mentioned Desperate Housewives on another thread, the first two episodes have already been aired on RTE and I thought they were very good as well.
I watched with the mute button on, still greatly enjoyed it though.
Seriously thought never watch the tripe that was Sex In The City but really enjoy Desperate Housewives...twisted dark humour...perfect.
I was disappointed with the end too. Too many questions left unanswered :angry:

I'm a very impatient person and when I discovered yesterday that Amazon.com didn't have the series two DVD I started to download the next ten episodes. I'm using Ares and it seems terribly slow even with my broadband connection. It's taking about 6 hours for an episode :blink: Anyway, I've seen the first two and I wasn't disappointed with those! The first one is amazing, the second one less so. Episode three is being a sod to get and should be on my computer sometime next week :rolleyes: Four, five and six are already completed but I don't want to watch them and confuse myself (easily done) :lol: Mr GG says I'm ruining it for myself, but how can that possibly be so? I haven't been this excited in a long time :lol:
My brother is doing the same with The West Wing series 7 and is loving doing it like that. Personally I am going to wait as I couldn't stand it if one episode didn't download and I had to stop there!!
Originally posted by PDJ@Jan 14 2006, 09:25 PM
My brother is doing the same with The West Wing series 7 and is loving doing it like that. Personally I am going to wait as I couldn't stand it if one episode didn't download and I had to stop there!!
Oh God! Don't say that! It MUST download :o I hadn't thought about it not happening :(
Originally posted by Griffin@Jan 14 2006, 11:22 PM
I haven't been this excited in a long time :lol:
Not since baby....no, I can't do it!!!!!

I disagree about Sex In The City Gal - it's pure genius. Ok, you probably have to be a woman to appreciate it fully but it is a work of genius. Oddly enough, I was steered towards it a few years ago by a male relief manager at Sid James; he did say that it was very much a show for women to appreciate but said it was superb & I couldn't miss it. You have to admit, it is somewhat revolutionary - daring to suggest that (God forbid) women have sexual appetites too....
Do you still have a contact number for that 'male relief manager', Dom? :lol:

I don't know how to break the news to you (although Brian could, just as easily), but Mae West was doing a lot more than to 'suggest' that women had sexual appetites, around 60+ years ago... :o

... it's taken blokes that long to realize it, too!
Yay! I left the computer on all night and all I'm missing now is episode 7, but that's well on it's way. I should be doing decorating and housey type stuff today but episode 3 is calling me......................
Stick around for season two guys. I promise you won't be disappointed. The first episode of the new season will answer a lot of questions, but of course leave you with a lot of unanswered ones too. A few as you get to the middle of the season maybe be just a tad pointless, but "What Kate did" is an awesome one and in the one after, you meet someone very special from season one. Don't want to say much more so as to not spoil it for you guys.
Originally posted by jairducochetfan@Jan 15 2006, 04:27 PM
Anyone know where I can download some of Series 2? File keeps corrupting on Limewire, any ideas?
I've got the next ten episodes from Ares.

Not the fastest, but since Friday I've downloaded all ten. Best thing to do if you can is just leave the computer on all night, wake up and find most of it there. I've watched the first four so far and the picture quality and sound are great. I've ended up with two different copies of the elusive episode three. One of them has the sound out of synch after the first ten minutes but the other one was fine. So no real problems so far.
I am afraid if you watch bilge like this don't be surprised when the ending is bilge too