Luck on Luck


Senior Jockey
Nov 14, 2006
Is anyone watching Nick Luck eloquently critiquing the artistic merit of 'Luck'?

I'm sorry - did I say "eloquently critiquing"?

I meant to say "spouting shite about".
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1. It's not a movie
2. HBO Entertainment have produced the worlds greatest dramas in The Wire & The Sopranos.
3. The fact HBO have been able to produce a series around Horse Racing & get backing for another series is fantastic for the Sport.
SOOOOOOO Sorry for calling it a movie - thats a diservice to movies.....

It was rubbish and whilst HBO may have produced some fantastic shows this does nothing for the game of racing other than to compound views that racing is corrupt, run by mafia types and every 3 races a horse will suffer a catastrophic breakdown and be PTS.

Dont believe me..... read the Guardian review from the weekend

"Set in and around a California horse-racing track, Luck, Sky Atlantic's latest star-encrusted US drama, might be another example of brilliant American television, to rank alongside The Sopranos and The Wire, or a piece of beautifully filmed and immaculately acted nonsense. It's hard to tell. Or rather, it's hard to hear.

Any show that features Dustin Hoffman and Nick Nolte was always going to make large demands on the listening viewer. Hoffman is one of the great mumblers of modern cinema, and, outside of the animal kingdom, Nolte is unrivalled as a growler.

But it's not just them. Every character talks as if intelligibility were a sin. Nor is it simply a matter of articulation. It's also the language, a murky mix of gambling slang, horse-racing lingo and wise-guy riffing that, even after two or three playbacks, left me baffled.

These are the things that I think may have happened, but I wouldn't wish to be held accountable for anything so bold as a plot synopsis. Ace Bernstein (Hoffman), a tightly wound Jewish hood, was released from prison and he bought a race horse. A group of four hardened gamblers formed some kind of betting syndicate that netted $2.5m. One of the gamblers was played by Ian Hart, fulfilling the apparent HBO series stipulation that at least one British or Irish actor plays an American. Which was just as well, because Hart's accent was by a long way the least difficult to understand.

There was also a Peruvian trainer, Turo Escalante (John Ortiz), who was in a permanent foul mood, as, in fact, was every one else – especially the syndicate winners, who behaved as if they'd lost a couple of million. If what's said is incomprehensible, it's at least clear that it doesn't involve any kind of civility.

In a strong field, you'd be tempted to back the Peruvian to win in the most opaque speech stakes. He said things like, "Jew doe knee noah steek," (which I think was a racing, not a religious, instruction) and, "Ees dis morning today or disafternoon?" And in the second episode, which I watched in a vain attempt to gain a better grip of proceedings, another character quips to Escalante: "I must need a vacation: I just heard everything you said."

If even other characters are complaining, then Ortiz has to be leading his fellow actors in the dialogue handicap. However that would be to reckon without Nolte, who plays a Kentucky horse owner. That voice! Wittgenstein said that if a lion could talk we still wouldn't be able to understand him. Perhaps he meant that it would sound like Nolte. It's like listening to someone dry gargle. You'd get better diction from a cement mixer.

The series was created by David Milch, whose credits include NYPD Blue and Deadwood, and the pilot was directed by Michael Mann, of Heat fame. That kind of form commands a certain degree of respect and therefore audience perseverance. And there is no doubt that it's exquisitely shot, with some of the most electrifying images of full-speed thoroughbreds ever committed to film.

But unlike The Wire, which energetically encouraged the ear to tune in to a different subcultural register, Luck offers no such invitation. It's a big bet that refuses to make itself favourite. That may well be laudable. But it most certainly isn't audible."
What a silly, lazy, cheap-shot review !
Not normally an accusation that can be levelled at the Guardian, but this particular review is most certainly a load of xenophobic nonsense. ( It's a series based around the activities on a west-coast American racetrack, ffs, .............. does the Guardian reviewer expect the characters to be speaking in the clipped tones of a Newmarket accent).

I like the show, tbh. It has a decent storyline; the characterisation is not the usual cardboard cut-outs; the action sequences are fabulously well shot.
I believe it is a good representation of the day-to-day characters to be found on a US racetrack -- down to the "degenerate gambler" four man syndicate who hit the big Pick6 payout.

I guess it's all about personal likings and taste -- one man's meat etc etc. :)
On a vaguely-related theme, I've just spotted this on the RP website;

"Missed Alastair's much-lauded piece in Monday's paper? Read his powerful and moving tribute to the great festival now"

I haven't read it yet, but will be back with a match-report in a few minutes.
Hmmn. A more thoughtful piece than I'd imagined he was capable of, though assuredly delivered in his "must try to be flowery and evocative at all costs" style.

On the plus side, only one mention of "hard-charging Irishmen", and nary a "craic" to be seen anywhere.
It was rubbish and whilst HBO may have produced some fantastic shows this does nothing for the game of racing other than to compound views that racing is corrupt, run by mafia types and every 3 races a horse will suffer a catastrophic breakdown and be PTS. [/I]

You saying that there isn't these sorts of people in racing today or that these events don't go on?

I would consider Horse Racing a fantastic Sport for criminals to transport dodgy money through the asset of a horse or even through exchanges.

The weak structure of Horse Racing makes it easy for criminals to use it for their own financial gains and business transactions whilst the purists like us refuse to accept the facts and try to block out all negative external influences.

Who knows if you've walked past a Mafioso at a racecourse, who knows where the money you collect of a bookmaker has been - only they know.
You missed my point Bruce - I know that there are dodgy people involved in all levels of racing but this show only reinforces non racing peoples belief that it is so rife with criminals, lowlifes and run on by mafia types (or the old boy network) that its a fix before the horses even step hoof on the track.

Gambling will always encourage the lower element of the world but shows like this dont help the image of the game that we love and are trying to improve.

I have probably walked past many Mafioso on course and the money taken back (rarely!) from a bookie has a chance of being not quite clean but the way this shows portrays the industry as a whole and stereotypical isnt going to win over any non racing viewers
I thought it was very disappointing - the mumbling of all the actors( including Dustin Hoffmann who you feel is knocking out a great performance if you could hear what he was saying ) except Ian Hart ( who is English) and the Irish girl made much of it unintelligible . The Irish girl jockey storyline is a terrible cliche and the rest of it dreary and cliched .
I watched the first episode and that was enough for me. I thought they might actually make the live action shots interesting with the onboard camera but then they do the slow mo piece. Why can't they just shoot the race as if it is a race. I gave up.
I think they call it artistically modified Cantoris.......they use words like that alot in shyte movies

I grabbed it off torrentz and started to watch it but didn't get that far despite I really enjoy most things Denis farina does...It enthrawlled me so much I can't even remember what the part I watched was about.......amazingly I read somewhere else it was very good.:blink: