Lush Lashes


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Well she got the trip, not sure she enjoyed it that much though. Poor Group 1 and she is alot better than the bare form suggests.
Me too. I love her, she is gorgeous looking and appears to be quite sturdy. Will make a lovely broodmare. Wonder who they would send her to?

I note C4 mentions that she is not that well bred on dam side, but maybe that is an advanatge, less in-breeding and perhaps adds a durability factor.
Yes, I agree, always appears to me to be struggling to get going, her action is not pretty. But she is very pretty standing still and obviously has a big heart.
Her dam-side grandsire Anabaa was a very good horse, I don't know anything about the sire, does anyone here?

She was very unlucky lto and I'm glad she got daylight today and showed her class. Agreed she does always seem to make heavy weather of it though!
I was in the yard a couple of days before Look Here got injured. She tends to cut into herself when she gallops, I think that may be what happened. I'll try to get some news. They will certainly want to run again if at all possible - it's not often a 'young' yard gets a horse like that, and the owner is very 'sporting' - he'll want to run her against the colts before she retires and they will do their best to get her back. The Leger may be too soon, though.

Agreed she would have walked this race today, very sad for them all - they'd been very confident before the accident
I love her, she is gorgeous looking and appears to be quite sturdy. Will make a lovely broodmare. Wonder who they would send her to?

Though she is, as you point out, a sturdy filly, there is not that much of her. I would imagine any stallion choice would take that into account.
Are you closer to the stable than Headstrong? Careful now, I'm going to start asking for GPS co-ordinates!