Lydia Hislop Article


At the Start
Jan 24, 2008

Excellent article, showing up the likes of Manning and their approach to riding horses. How is it that he can break the rules in a group 1 time and again without fear of any punishment but a token (several day) ban?

The point on New Approach is a good one, and I for one would be far from happy if I backed a horse who finished close behind him if he had won.
Agreed - on both topics. The Irish Stewards as we have mentioned elsewhere seem to give the big yards as much rope as they demand, which is very unfair on smaller yards who do keep to the rules

There was a long piece - whole page - on whip use in the RP on Tuesday. It really is the hot topic right now, and rightly so - esp with an MP constantly making waves about it and trying to get a blanket ban on whip use. If the sport doesn't come down hard on misuse - which means losing races, not just a few days banned - the whole subject will be taken out of racing's hands. Inaction is not an option in the current climate - the Animal rights people def have racing in their sights
The article itself makes no reference at all to Kevin Manning. A member of the public makes reference to it - so it is a little misleading to imply Hislop is condemning Manning in her article.

His crack of the whip came in millisecond after the line - I think it would be harsh to condemn the man who, in the heat of the moment, hit his horse after the line. The horse's value could be considerably increased by winning a guineas - and he wasn't exactly cutting the horse in two was he?

Ms Hislop is a bit of an enigma on the other hand. She writes articles like this, yet when Harry Findlay defended hare coursing on her RUK pre-Gold Cup interview with him, she said nothing. I presume this means she supports blood sports such as hare coursing, which rather flies in the face of the sentiment of this article.