I know I disappoint some of you with my over sentimentality and touchy feeliness when it comes to animals. Here I go again.
I rarely hear any song birds sing on my Estate these days, and I think this is down to the feckin magpies. I came home from Leopardstown lst Sunday and found one with a Thrush pinned on the lawn and he was pecking him to death. I decided not to interfere as it was nature, so I just got my hurley stick and waited until he finished.
What can we do to get rid of these pests?
I rarely hear any song birds sing on my Estate these days, and I think this is down to the feckin magpies. I came home from Leopardstown lst Sunday and found one with a Thrush pinned on the lawn and he was pecking him to death. I decided not to interfere as it was nature, so I just got my hurley stick and waited until he finished.
What can we do to get rid of these pests?