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Why does anyone get married these days when in most cases it costs you money in taxes?
See Facebook. My cousin who's 6 months younger than me just proposed.

Don't let the age thing annoy you, go for it if it makes the two of you happy. As Rob says, I hope you said yes. In my experience, "Maybe" isn't the desired answer...
I was never bothered about getting married, witnessed far too many bad break ups & crappy arguments regarding the wedding, but after 17yrs Scott & I talked about it then slinked off to a spa hotel in Kent on our own, no one there apart from us, registrar & two hotel bods for witnesses

Married just over 2yrs now but coming up to our 20th in the spring!
Just thinking l thought married couples were better off with regard
to tax free allowances than single people.
Im talking about in Ireland.
Rarely agree with you, Harry, but spot on there.
Was a wild one but within two weeks of meeting my one and only wife I told my friends she was the one I would spend my life with. 36 years coming up and I appreciate her more every day.

PS She never reads this site.
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Big day August 30th next year for me after 7 years engaged

I wasn't aware of any tax advantages or disadvantages although we don't have any kids yet.
7 years engaged?? How come? (If that's not too personal a question) I've always been confused by long engagements, especially these days - surely if you go as far as to ask and say yes (pending which one of you asks) you want to just get on with it?
Not at all Trudi

We were both young and skint when we met and didn't have our own place but always knew from an early part of the relationship that we wanted to get wed so it was mainly to do with wanting everything in life on a sound financial footing(Good job as its costing a small fortune!) Worth it though, Cant wait!
Average cost of wedding in uk is 22k

Pissed up the wall if you ask me.

One wedding a mate of mine went to the father was leading the bride down the aisle to give her away etc ... And dropped down dead

Bit of a dampener
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We just told a few people in the pub, went and did it, back to the pub for a drink or 20, and phoned our families to let them know. Job done.