McCann Internet Troll Found Dead


At the Start
Apr 16, 2005
The woman who was confronted by national news crews last week has been found dead.

Any thoughts on this?

Deserved it or press intrusion of the highest order?
I think the press were right to doorstep her after her vile comments. Nobody could foresee that she would kill herself. I guess that she was just so mortified that her family, neighbours and friends would find out what a sick person she was behind her veil of respectability.

Sad that she's dead but this may make other sick trolls think twice about posting their sickening bile.
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Sounds like Warbler is one of these people who go on about... abandoning children, going out on the ****, craving money.

That sort make me sick. The McCanns were in holiday mode. They went out for a meal not far from where their children were sleeping and being checked on regularly.

It's something that any of us could have done, not thinking for one moment that anything would happen that could harm our children. I'm amazed at and ashamed for the people who say they are glad that the McCanns are being abused on social media.

A sad world we live in.
I thought the guy (psychologist?) interviewed on TV yesterday was quite good. He was saying that sometimes these trolls just don't understand how others might react, that for them it's no different in their own mind to us shouting abuse at the TV safe in the knowledge that our target cannot see/hear us or know what we're shouting at them.

I don't agree with him, just found his comments intriguing.

I think people who do these things on the internet know exactly what they're doing and are just a bit sick. They are sad people with no sense of direction in their lives and need psychiatric support.

There's no shortage of them on this forum.
Trying very hard to avoid being judgemental on this woman, but ..........
it seems she was well able to dish it out but yet couldn't take it when the tables were turned.
I do feel a lot of sympathy for her 20-y-o son who has to deal with the sudden death of his mother and the fall-out wreckage of her actions.
Only see brief snippets in the news but I think she did 80 thousand tweets about it?
Obviously the woman had serious mental health issues if that was the extent of her trolling. If the journalist concerned was aware of the extent of the trolling then, to put it mildly, his actions were totally irresponsible. Surely this should have been left to the police to deal with, rather than become the subject of "tabloid" journalism.
I've seen confrontations like this on TV like the Cook Report etc but never by a national news channel.
Something had to be done, the abuse was getting out of hand. And, like I said earlier, these trolls will hopefully now think twice before posting their bile.

So this wretched woman has actually helped the McCanns and may she now rest in peace.