McCricrick was a disgrace this morning...


Banned member
Jul 20, 2006
Thank god Francome was around to remind him that criticism of jockeys (however mild) is strictly forbidden by any townies. It was a welcome reminder of how the stalinist system of suppression of opinions has served the sport so well over the years. Comrade Mccoy would heartily approve

But thankfully the Morning line was wonderfully rescued by the devastating intelligence and superb wit and repartee of Jason maguire
Thank god Francome was around to remind him that criticism of jockeys (however mild) is strictly forbidden by any townies. It was a welcome reminder of how the stalinist system of suppression of opinions has served the sport so well over the years. Comrade Mccoy would heartily approve

But thankfully the Morning line was wonderfully rescued by the devastating intelligence and superb wit and repartee of Jason maguire

Do I detect the mildest hint of sarcasm-what did he say.
I think this is about McCririck's criticism of Richard Johnson's Daily Mirror column as (I'm paraphrasing) anodyne and uninformative, in comparison to Tony McCoy's Daily Telegraph column. McCoy (McCririck claimed) much more forthcoming about his rides' chances whereas Johnson gives all his rides a positive review

Francome asked whether McCririck had gone back and checked Johnson's results against his column. McCririck said 'no' and Francome said the equivalent of 'well, then'.

In fairness to Francome he was unforgiving of Tom O' Brien's mistake during the week when he rode a horse off the track and Maguire was no worse than a lot of guests they have on.

It was a pretty dire show this morning though.
It's dire every week, who actively gets up for it on a Saturday morning?

I watched it when I worked every Saturday but I'm amazed C4 still allow it to air to be honest.
McCririck is full of oul skitter all the time - way past his sell by date - what's he going to do now that Barry Dennis is retiring
I work every Saturday so I get up and watch it. It has differing levels of dire, I would say. Today constituted a particular nadir because Lesley and Tom (their surnames escape me momentarily) were on. I am sure she is a lovely lady but she reminds me of a hockey mistress. I am also sure that Tom is a lovely chap and that one day he will say something interesting.
Unfortunately, I caught the show today and it was even worse than usual, clearly needing to be put out of its misery.

But don't despair. According to a recent article by Alan Lee in The Times, there is going to be a major overhaul of the programme in a few weeks time. What that will mean I don't know. It certainly needs radical surgery.
Especially that episode where Chandler wins the Scoop6.

Nah its either the one where Ross gets his teeth whitened or the Thanksgiving one with the "joey pants".....

The one with Brad Pitt also is personal favourite

(Any tell I am a Friends fan?!)
I work every Saturday so I get up and watch it. It has differing levels of dire, I would say. Today constituted a particular nadir because Lesley and Tom (their surnames escape me momentarily) were on. I am sure she is a lovely lady but she reminds me of a hockey mistress. I am also sure that Tom is a lovely chap and that one day he will say something interesting.

He is on RTE Racing also, he doesn't say anything interesting there either. I don't watch the morning line anymore, it's stale.
Yes, I saw the coverage. My heart sank.

How hard can it be to do a half-decent talking shop for horse-racing?

A lot depends on what Racing is on CH4 that day and who the guest is. Sandown was awful today so they were on a loser anyway and should avoid
monosyllabic jockeys wherever possible.
He is on RTE Racing also, he doesn't say anything interesting there either. I don't watch the morning line anymore, it's stale.

My big beef with Tom Lee is that I saw him leaving Leopardstown after the RTE races were finished the day Sea The Stars won the Champion Stakes at Leopardstown.
I can't understand how a betting expert can be flown in for the big meetings-surely the job should go someone who goes to the smaller meetings on a regular basis.
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My big beef with Tom Lee is that I saw him leaving Leopardstown after the RTE races were finished the day Sea The Stars won the Champion Stakes at Leopardstown.

Surely he's allowed to go home at some stage? :confused:
That he be. In fairness, he's a really nice guy as well. His sister, Kerry, works on the Ch4 racing production team.