
Looks a smart prospect alright. Enthusiasm is somewhat tempered by Time Electric's subsequent exploits (who, in fairness to him, is certainly no back marker despite not hitting the heights his debut suggested he might) following his Leopardstown bumper win.
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Looks a smart prospect alright. Enthusiasm is somewhat tampered by Time Electric's subsequent exploits (who, in fairness to him, is certainly no back marker despite not hitting the heights his debut suggested he might) following his Leopardstown bumper win.

I just wish he was trained by another Mullins.
Is he on Warbler's list?

I normally draw the line at 31st July for no better reason than lazy convenience and a will to conform with an ancient gregorian calender. You'd be silly not to consider belaying out a bit of slack for the matter of a few days though in the context of a list which excludes horses over a period of 8 months between now and the bumper. In essence the same principles that apply to the line of investigation are just as valid on August 3rd as they would be on July 31st. Clearly this isn't a case of Cinderalla and when the clock strikes 12 everything that hasn't run by then automatically turns into a pumpkin. In fact with Galways festival falling when it does, and a couple of other meetings to boot there is a clear rationale in drawing the line at August 7th rather than something equally aribitary as July 31st, Afterall, a number if a number, is a number, it's no less hard to do regardless of where you set it. It doesn't have to be neat and round, just so long as it works

Rite of Passage came 3rd last season (this year) and debuted on August 2nd at Galway and wa sincluded on the short list come mid March. You can of course get quirks in the calender at the end of a month where a meeting that is normally held in one month, falls in another, so it would seem sensible to allow a 'no-mans land' grey area up until August 7th
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